Hit your study stride for finals in the UI Libraries The UI Libraries offers great places to concentrate on final exam prep, with extended hours, free coffee, and activities for short study breaks. Studies indicate that students who take short, fairly frequent breaks during their study time are more productive. Give your brain a break byContinue reading “Study in the UI Libraries for finals”
Author Archives: The University of Iowa Libraries
An Evening with Filmmaker Nicholas Meyer
Photo credit: Nicholas Meyer on set with Leonard Nimoy during the shooting of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The photo is archived in the University of Iowa Libraries’ Special Collections as part of a collection donated by Nicholas Meyer. The UI Libraries is pleased to host Nicholas Meyer, who will make an appearance asContinue reading “An Evening with Filmmaker Nicholas Meyer”
Announcing UI faculty & graduate student winners of digital humanities support
UI Libraries’ Digital Scholarship & Publishing Studio champions DH initiatives Under the guidance of Senior Scholar Judith Pascoe, the Studio Scholars Program steering committee has selected ten faculty members and five graduate students from a competitive pool of applicants for Digital Humanities (DH) support. Prior to the selection process, the Scholars steering committee worked withContinue reading “Announcing UI faculty & graduate student winners of digital humanities support”
Prickman honored with Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence
Greg Prickman, head of Special Collections at the University of Iowa Libraries, was honored March 31 with the 2015 Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence. The Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence recognizes a member of the UI Libraries’ professional staff who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and leadership in furthering Libraries’ mission serveContinue reading “Prickman honored with Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence”
University of Iowa Alumni Association “Lifelong Learning” event
The University of Iowa Libraries is proud to present an exhibition of materials and experiences related to the work of UI alumnus and faculty astrophysicist James Van Allen, 36MS, 39PhD. The UIAA invites you to join Greg Prickman, head of UI Libraries Special Collections, as he guides you on a tour of the Main Library’sContinue reading “University of Iowa Alumni Association “Lifelong Learning” event”
LIBRARY SERVICES: Paging Service and CIC borrowing
NEW PAGING SERVICE—Beginning January 4, 2016, you can request up to 10 items for pickup at the Main Library through our catalog. Please request materials before 12:00 a.m. midnight for pickup after 12:00 p.m. noon the following business day. Requests received on a Friday will be ready the next Monday. —When you have immediate needContinue reading “LIBRARY SERVICES: Paging Service and CIC borrowing”
Free Movie: CinemAbility
The Universtiy of Iowa Libraries is proud to present a screening of the documentary CinemAbility on Thursday, November 12 at 6:30pm in Shambaugh Auditorium. From the early days of silent films to present day, from Chaplin to X-Men, disability portrayals are ever changing. This dynamic documentary takes a detailed look at the evolution of “disability” in entertainment by going behindContinue reading “Free Movie: CinemAbility”
Discussions in Progress: About Military Life
Discussions in Progress: About Military Life is a four-day event series offered by Military & Veteran Student Services in the Center for Diversity & Enrichment and the UI Libraries. The events will be held Monday, November 9 through Thursday, November 12 in the Main Library Learning Commons. This event series is designed to: Each day willContinue reading “Discussions in Progress: About Military Life”
UI Libraries to host public seminar on research data
On Wednesday, November 11 at 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., the University of Iowa Libraries will host guest speaker Heidi Imker, director of the Research Data Service (RDS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Imker’s seminar, “Capitalizing on Research Data: Management, Dissemination, and Archiving,” will explain how researchers can meet new funder requirements for research dataContinue reading “UI Libraries to host public seminar on research data”
SEEKING NOMINATIONS: Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence
The University Libraries is seeking nominations for the Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence. Funded by a generous endowment, this prestigious award acknowledges a library staff member’s professional contributions in the practice of librarianship, service to the profession, scholarship, or leadership which has had a significant impact or innovation to the operations of theContinue reading “SEEKING NOMINATIONS: Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence”