Although the campus libraries are closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the staff of the Scholarly Impact Department are working remotely to assist UI faculty, staff, and students. Extensive resources and information about our services is always available at our website: We offer virtual one-on-one consultations and group training sessions upon request. Contact us today at for scheduling!
If you need assistance with Scholarly Communication issues, such as:
- Finding and using Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Applying for an OpenHawks OER grant (Applications are due April 24, 2020!)
- Making your scholarship Open Access
- Navigating copyright and fair use for course materials and publishing
Our Scholarly Communications Librarian, Mahrya Burnett, is available to help.
If you need Research Data Services, such as assistance with:
- Data management plans
- Managing data during research
- Sharing or publishing research data and getting a DOI
Our Data Services Librarian, Brian Westra, is available to help you. You can contact him directly or through
And if you need assistance with boosting your scholarly impact, we can help you with:
- Creating and managing researcher profiles, like ORCID
- Measuring the impact of your research
- Analyzing the publication output of individuals or groups
Sara Scheib and Sherry Xie are available to help.
Let us help free up your time so you can focus on your teaching, learning, and research!