Four employees have been awarded the UI Libraries Student Employee Scholarship for 2017-18. Congratulations to our winners!

JEIRAN HASAN is a graduate student pursuing a Doctorate of Musical Arts in flute performance and pedagogy. She works at the Rita Benton Music Library. Hasan assists students, faculty, and researchers with a wide variety of questions. “When I began working in 2014, I had no idea how much the library would change my life,” she says. “The most interesting aspect of working in the library is the interactions I encounter with students from different backgrounds and interests. With my familiarity in Turkish, Farsi, Arabic, Russian, and Azerbaijani, I have been able to assist international patrons and patrons interested in ethnomusicology.”

CLARICE KELLING is a senior majoring in education with a minor in theatre. She works at the Main Library in Access Services (Service Desk and Circulation). Kelling helps reshelve materials and assists patrons at the Service Desk in the Main Library. Kelling began working at the library her freshman year. “Working here has helped me gain knowledge about libraries. As a future educator, I need to be able to find sources easily as well as help others search and handle various materials for their academic goals,” she says. “At the Main Library, I have the opportunity to practice this while also gaining inside knowledge about how libraries aid in education no matter the grade.”

MELISSA LAUER is a sophomore with a triple major in English, creative arts, and studio arts, with a minor in history. She works in Conservation and Preservation. Lauer mends and preserves books at the Main Library, where she “maintains the integrity and availability of the library’s circulating and non-circulating collections, caring for the materials that make the library the invaluable resource that it is. [Working in] the conservation lab has seamlessly united my majors in English and Creative Writing and Studio Arts and minor in History, deepening my appreciation of the physical book, my understanding of its content, and my love of the historic connection that the books I heal perpetuate.”

ELIZABETH RIORDAN is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Arts in library and information science. She works at the Main Library in Special Collections. Riordan feels fortunate to have landed in Special Collections at the UI Libraries. “When I enter work at Special Collections, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have let the unexpected take me to where I am now,” she says. Riordan supports research through the rich narratives available in Special Collections—the kind of narratives that deepen our understanding of history and allow researchers to interact with source materials in ways that reveal the stories of past eras and help us understand our path forward.