BY WENDY ROBERTSON The publications in Iowa Research Online (IRO) are very widely used. From July 2014–June 2015, the items were downloaded more than 1.5 million times! This map shows the downloads of content from IRO during the last fiscal year. Adjust the map in the window below to see more countries. Move your cursor overContinue reading “Worldwide Use of Iowa Research Online (IRO)”
Category Archives: Library Resource
Exam Master Online Content Update on August 17, 2015
A new content update is planned for Exam Master Onine on August 17, 2015. Please see below for a brief summary of materials impacted and explanations from Exam Master®. Questions? Comments? Email us at or call (319) 335-9151. USMLE Step 1 Removing: Versions 1, 2 & 3 of Practice Exams Adding: Version 4 of Practice Exam, which incorporates theContinue reading “Exam Master Online Content Update on August 17, 2015”
ClinicalKey, Other Elsevier Resources Undergoing Maintenance, Saturday, August 1
All Elsevier products will be undergoing maintenance on Saturday, August 1, beginning at 5:00 pm central time, until approximately 10:30 pm. ClinicalKey will still be available, but individual log-ins, used to view PDFs and save content within ClinicalKey, will be unavailable. HTML views of chapters and articles will still be available. All other Elsevier resources, including journalsContinue reading “ClinicalKey, Other Elsevier Resources Undergoing Maintenance, Saturday, August 1”
New Resource : Pharmaceutical Substances
The library now has a subscription to Pharmaceutical Substances, a reference resource with more than 2,600 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) of interest to the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It is updated biannually. The default search box allows keyword searching. After clicking on the Advanced Search button, users can draw a structure or reaction on theContinue reading “New Resource : Pharmaceutical Substances”
Patent Searching in Scopus
Similar to Web of Science, Scopus is a multidisciplinary database that covers journal articles, conference proceedings, and books and allows citation analysis. A lesser known feature in Scopus is patent searching. There are about 23 million patent records in Scopus, derived from five patent offices, including the US Patent & Trademark Office, the European PatentContinue reading “Patent Searching in Scopus”
New Resource: Cochrane Clinical Answers
The library now has a subscription to Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs). CCAs are derived from Cochrane systematic reviews and provide clinicians with short answers to clinical questions at the point of care.The website allows browsing by disease categories and keyword searching. Each CCA contains a clinical question, a short answer, and links to relevant CochraneContinue reading “New Resource: Cochrane Clinical Answers”
New Resource: Board Vitals
Board Vitals is an exam preparation database. At this time, Hardin Library has subscribed to question banks for: Child Psychiatry MOC, Dermatology, Dermatology MOC, Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine ConCert Exam MOC, Family Medicine MOC (MC-FP Examination), Family Medicine Shelf Exam, Internal Medicine Shelf Exam, Neurology, Neurology MOC, Neurology Shelf Exam, OB-GYN MOC, OB-GYN Shelf Exam, OB-GYN, OtolaryngologyContinue reading “New Resource: Board Vitals”
New AccessMedicine App
AccessMedicine is a collection of clinical tools and electronic textbooks. The app is powered by Unbound Medicine and provides access to a small portion of AccessMedicine. The included resources are: Quick Medical Dx and RX – Contains evidence-based outlines of conditions and disorders most often encountered in medical practice. Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas of Clinical DermatologyContinue reading “New AccessMedicine App”
KNODE : new research collaboration tool available at UI
The University of Iowa has partnered with KNODE Inc. to help connect researchers at Iowa and elsewhere and to provide direct links to scientific content. KNODE is a Cloud-based tool which provides a comprehensive view of a researcher’s expertise. Currently, KNODE is focused on researchers in the life sciences. Researcher profiles are automatically generated fromContinue reading “KNODE : new research collaboration tool available at UI”
Exam Master added a new mode – Learning
Exam Master now includes a new learning mode. You can view the correct answer choice and question explanation immediately without generating a score report. 4 modes are available in Exam Master 1. Test Mode: Submit an answer choice for each question and click score to complete the session. If score report access is allowed, goContinue reading “Exam Master added a new mode – Learning”