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DynaMed Upgraded to DynaMed Plus

Hardin Library recently upgraded to DynaMed Plus (  DynaMed Plus features a new, cleaner interface, an improved search engine, and an easier-to-use navigation panel on the left side of each topic.  Topics now (or will soon) feature a section called Overview and Recommendations at the beginning, providing quick background information and graded, evidence-based management recommendations.  Longer,Continue reading “DynaMed Upgraded to DynaMed Plus”

ClinicalKey, Other Elsevier Resources Undergoing Maintenance, Saturday, August 1

All Elsevier products will be undergoing maintenance on Saturday, August 1, beginning at 5:00 pm central time, until approximately 10:30 pm. ClinicalKey will still be available, but individual log-ins, used to view PDFs and save content within ClinicalKey, will be unavailable.  HTML views of chapters and articles will still be available. All other Elsevier resources, including journalsContinue reading “ClinicalKey, Other Elsevier Resources Undergoing Maintenance, Saturday, August 1”

DSM-5 Now Available Online

The DSM-5 is now available online through the American Psychiatry Association’s Psychiatry Online platform.  It is available at  The link can also be found by searching DSM-5 in Smart Search or InfoHawk.

Printing Chapters from AccessMedicine and AccessPharmacy

Beginning September 1, 2011, the ability to print a chapter at a time will no longer be available in AccessMedicine and AccessPharmacy.   Printing by section will still be possible.  The following message from the publisher (and copyright holder), McGraw-Hill, explains why: Last week, only a few days after it had posted to AccessMedicine, the newestContinue reading “Printing Chapters from AccessMedicine and AccessPharmacy”