Coinciding (approximately) with their 100 millionth search, Trip has announced that the latest version of their website has been released. It’s a complete overhaul with a new design (including logo), new features and some powerful new tools (including a PICO search interface). They have produced a brief screencast to demonstrate some of the new featuresContinue reading “Trip Database Redesign”
Category Archives: Library Resource
figshare: a Free Multidisciplinary Data Repository
figshare is a multidisciplinary repository where researchers can share their research data online under the Creative Commons license. It gives users unlimited public space and 1GB of private storage space for free. All file formats can be published, including figures, datasets, media (including video), papers (including pre-prints), posters and filesets (groups of files). All research data including negativeContinue reading “figshare: a Free Multidisciplinary Data Repository”
New Grey/Gray Literature Guide
If you’ve had any experiences with systematic review or writing dissertations/theses, you may have heard of grey literature. Grey literature is unpublished and can be hard to find. Some examples include: Pre-Prints E-Prints Academic Works Commission Reports Committee Reports White Papers Technical Reports Government Reports Conference Reports Technical Standards Dissertations Theses Working Papers Market SurveysContinue reading “New Grey/Gray Literature Guide”
EBSCOhost Mobile App
The EBSCOhost Mobile Application for iPhone provides you with the ability to search the EBSCOhost databases that the University of Iowa subscribes to via the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch without having to enter your HawkID and password every time you search. This app is available at no cost to University of Iowa affiliates sinceContinue reading “EBSCOhost Mobile App”
Scopus Database Now Available
Students, faculty and staff now have access to Scopus. This resource shares some of the same features as Web of Science (WOS), including coverage of both health sciences and basic sciences. Scopus is available both on and off-campus from the Hardin Library Health Sciences A-Z List. Some features of this database include: All of the contentContinue reading “Scopus Database Now Available”
2011 Impact Factors now available
The 2011 journal citation reports (impact factors) are now available in Web of Knowledge. . The 2011 JCR includes: More than 10,500 of the world’s most highly cited, peer reviewed journals in 232 disciplines Nearly 2,500 publishers and 82 countries represented Over 1,400 regional journals 526 journals receiving their first Journal Impact Factor Access journalContinue reading “2011 Impact Factors now available”
JournalTOCs: Keeping current made easier
A good way to keep current with research and practice is to monitor recent publications in keys journals in a field, but it can be time-consuming to visit each journal’s website and browse the Table of Contents (TOCs). JournalTOCs ( is a free one-stop shop for monitoring TOCs from multiple journals. A wide range ofContinue reading “JournalTOCs: Keeping current made easier”
Changes to PubMed
There are a few new features available in PubMed this week. There is now an option within a single citation abstract view to add items to favorites. This is similar to the clipboard function, but requires that you are signed in to your NCBI account (which is free and allows you to save searches, createContinue reading “Changes to PubMed”
Scopus Trial Underway (concluded)
The Scopus trial has been concluded. Thank you for participating. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature with flexible tools to track, analyze and visualize research.. Scopus is strong in all areas of the sciences. Updated daily, it indexes over 18,000 peer-reviewed journals and includes the content from Embase. The trialContinue reading “Scopus Trial Underway (concluded)”
RefWorks Enhancements
With the New Year comes a new release of Refworks! In addition to general stability improvements, the new release has several enhancements. Of these, one of the most exciting is the new Drag-and-Drop functionality for the Quick Access bar which means that users can click on the grey bar above any reference summary and dragContinue reading “RefWorks Enhancements”