Graduate students in the Health Sciences field are invited to come to our Boot Camp on Friday, November 9th! Workshops are scheduled throughout the day and there will also be dedicated writing time. Tutors and professional assistance will be available at all times to help answer questions specific to your needs. Boot camp: a short,Continue reading “Grad Students | Health Sciences Boot Camp | FRI, November 9 | Sign up required”
Author Archives: Sarah Andrews
Free Film Screening | Paywall: The Business of Scholarship | Thursday, October 25, 12pm @Film Scene
In honor of Open Access Week 2018 The University of Iowa Libraries is hosting a free screening of the new documentary, Paywall: The Business of Scholarship, focusing on the need for open access to research and science, questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers, examines the 35-40% profitContinue reading “Free Film Screening | Paywall: The Business of Scholarship | Thursday, October 25, 12pm @Film Scene”
Library CLOSED Saturday, October 20 | Home Football Game
The Hardin Library will be closed on Saturday, October 20 for the homecoming football game against Maryland. Game time is 11am. The 24-hour study will be open to anyone with an Iowa OneCard or a UIHC badge. The library will reopen on Sunday at Noon. Go Hawks!
Nominations sought | Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence
The University Libraries* is seeking nominations for the Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence. The Award will recognize and reward a Libraries’ professional staff member who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and/or leadership in furthering the mission of the Libraries in providing service to the University community. The $1,500 award, made possible by a generous endowmentContinue reading “Nominations sought | Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence”
Thanksgiving Break Hours @Hardin | Shorter hours begin Sunday, November 18
The Hardin Library will have different hours during the University Thanksgiving Break. Saturday, November 17 10:00AM – 6:00PM Sunday, November 18 12:00PM – 9:00PM Monday, November 19-Wednesday, November 21 7:30AM – 6:00PM Thursday, November 22 Closed/Thanksgiving Friday, November 23 Closed/Football Saturday, November 24 10:00AM – 2:00PM Sunday, November 25 12:00PM – 12:00AM regular hours resumeContinue reading “Thanksgiving Break Hours @Hardin | Shorter hours begin Sunday, November 18”
Faculty and Clinicians – Services for You!
Hardin Library provides a variety of services to help you succeed! Your department has a specialist librarian Every department is assigned a liaison librarian, who can help you with all of your questions about the library and its resources. Evidence-based medicine resources Hardin subscribes to DynaMed, the Cochrane Library, JAMAevidence, BMJ Best Practice, and more.Continue reading “Faculty and Clinicians – Services for You!”
New ebooks added to ClinicalKey | Transgender surgical management, Radiology, Tropical Med & more
New books added to Hardin Library’s ClinicalKey subscription in July-August 2018. To access any of these titles, open ClinicalKey ( and click on Books. Breast Tomosynthesis (Philpotts, Liane) **new** Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (Manning, Warren) 3rd ed Current Therapy in Colon and Rectal Surgery (Fazio, Victor) 3rd ed Diagnostic Atlas of Renal Pathology (Fogo, Agnes) 3rd ed Diseases and Disorders of theContinue reading “New ebooks added to ClinicalKey | Transgender surgical management, Radiology, Tropical Med & more”
Yes we have Embase!
Hardin Library subscribes to Embase, a biomedical and pharmaceutical database. Embase is useful for systematic reviews or searching on food/diet/nutrition, medical devices or drugs. Accessing the Database Go to the Health Sciences E-Resources A-Z list at and click on the link to Embase. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted for your Hawk ID andContinue reading “Yes we have Embase!”
Alexander Gordon | Puerperal Fever | September 2018 Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library
ALEXANDER GORDON (1752-1799). A treatise on the epidemic puerperal fever of Aberdeen. First Edition London: Printed for G.G. and J. Robinson., 1795. In 1780, at the age of 28, with testimonial letters from the Corporation of Surgeons of London, Gordon entered the Royal Navy as a surgeon’s mate and advanced to the rank of surgeon. In 1785 GordonContinue reading “Alexander Gordon | Puerperal Fever | September 2018 Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library”
24 Hour Study Available with Iowa One Card or Hospital Badge | New furniture
Hardin Library’s 24-hour study got an update this summer. The 24-hour lock was replaced on September 5. Now anyone with a valid Iowa One Card or hospital badge may access the study when the library is closed. Hardin’s study area is open 24x7x365. When the library is open, enter the study from the library. WhenContinue reading “24 Hour Study Available with Iowa One Card or Hospital Badge | New furniture”