What makes this night different from all other nights? That’s a good question, and one that has been asked by generations of children celebrating the Passover or Pesah, the Festival of Spring. According to the Reuben family’s 1958 copy of The Jewish Home Beautiful, “Pesah tells of the rebirth of a nation, the redemption fromContinue reading “Passover in Iowa”
Author Archives: Katherine Walden
International Women’s Day
I am sister, I am daughter, I am mother, I am wife. I am all the women in my lineage, their triumphs and mistakes my birthright. This post and poem were written by Zayetzy Luna Garcia, student worker at the Iowa Women’s Archives Family unity is the center of Latinx culture. It is our base,Continue reading “International Women’s Day”
National Girls and Women in Sport Day
Today we’re celebrating National Girls and Women in Sport Day! Since it was inaugurated in 1987 by a Presidential Proclamation, NGWSD has recognized the on and off-field achievements of female athletes, from girls active in school and community sports to elite international athletes. [side note–if you’re not already following our #WPAscrapbook project about a 1930sContinue reading “National Girls and Women in Sport Day”
Celebrating Women and Sport
One of our graduate student workers spent last semester processing additions to IWA’s University of Iowa Department of Physical Education for Women collection. The new material included everything from Women as Leaders conference records to faculty publications. But one item in the new material surprised us–a scrapbook from the 1930s with “Work Projects Administration” inscribedContinue reading “Celebrating Women and Sport”