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PubMed Workshops | Beginning Thursday, Feb. 8, 10-11am

PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 26 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one-hour session will show you how to improve your search results by using subject headings (MeSH) and advanced keyword searching techniques. Our Spring workshops: Thursday, February 8th, 10:00-11:00am, East Commons Tuesday, MarchContinue reading “PubMed Workshops | Beginning Thursday, Feb. 8, 10-11am”

Hardin Open Workshops : Learn Systematic Reviews, PubMed, EndNote, Open Refine and More

Hardin Open Workshops are free and anyone may register online at Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program please call Janna Lawrence at 319-335-9871.

Tour & Get Health Sciences Mobile Resources | Tues., January 30, 10-11am

Take a tour of some new (and some well-established) apps for your mobile device or smart phone! At this informal brown bag technology meeting, you’ll not only be shown a variety of tools for both academic and clinical use but also invited to share your own examples and experiences. Tuesday,  January 30, 10-11am, Information CommonsContinue reading “Tour & Get Health Sciences Mobile Resources | Tues., January 30, 10-11am”

Ancient Surgery in Early Modern Italy | History of Medicine Lecture | January 25, 5:30pm

  The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society invites you to a lecture by  Marquis Berrey, Associate Professor in Classics, University of Iowa Ancient Surgery in Early Modern Italy: Celsus, Benivieni, Morgagni Thursday, January 25, 2018, 5:30-6:30 MERF Room 2117 (Medical Education and Research Facility) European medical professionals from the 15th through the early 19thContinue reading “Ancient Surgery in Early Modern Italy | History of Medicine Lecture | January 25, 5:30pm”

Faculty Calculate Your Scholarly Impact, Impact Factors | Workshop Tuesday, Jan. 23

This hands-on workshop will give attendees an overview of traditional and recent ways to measure scholarly impact of journals, individual researchers, and articles. Afterward, it will be clearer how different ‘impact factors’ now offered both by the Web of Science and Scopus are determined.   We will discuss the features of these factors as wellContinue reading “Faculty Calculate Your Scholarly Impact, Impact Factors | Workshop Tuesday, Jan. 23”

Free Conference for Instructors | Teaching with the Library: From Data to Knowledge | Friday, January 12

Teaching with the Library: From Data to Knowledge In order to succeed as scholars in a world of fake news and information overload, it is more important than ever for our students to learn how to critically evaluate, analyze, and utilize the information they consume every day in their academic and personal lives. You’ve seenContinue reading “Free Conference for Instructors | Teaching with the Library: From Data to Knowledge | Friday, January 12”

Workshop: Lit Searching for a Systematic Review | Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2-3pm

This class will focus on tips and techniques for carrying out a successful literature search in support of a systematic review. Topics will include techniques for developing search strategies, deciding which databases to search and how to seek out grey literature for a given topic. There will also be discussion on selecting journals for handContinue reading “Workshop: Lit Searching for a Systematic Review | Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2-3pm”

Better genetic information searching | NCBI Gene, Nucleotide Sequences & Protein | workshop Wednesday, Nov. 8, 11a-12pm

Overwhelmed by the number of databases that the National Center for Biotechnology Information has to offer on nucleotide sequences, genes and proteins? Wondering which database you should always start with? Would you like to learn how to set up an NCBI account to link articles in PubMed to records in other databases? Do you knowContinue reading “Better genetic information searching | NCBI Gene, Nucleotide Sequences & Protein | workshop Wednesday, Nov. 8, 11a-12pm”

Manage your citations effectively | EndNote Desktop Advanced workshop | Tuesday, Nov. 7, 3-4pm

For those already using Endnote, this class teaches you to maximize the tool. From exporting and importing to syncing and sharing, this class will help you manage your own information seamlessly from desktop to mobile device and on the web. You’ll also learn about the Endnote options for sharing, so you can collaborate effectively. Tuesday,Continue reading “Manage your citations effectively | EndNote Desktop Advanced workshop | Tuesday, Nov. 7, 3-4pm”