The purpose of this session is to introduce you to various environmental health and toxicology resources found on the National Library of Medicine’s website. Learn about important resources such as the Household Products Database, TOXMAP and TOXNET. The resources discussed in this session will be of interest to the researcher/scientist, health professional and the generalContinue reading “Free workshop on toxicology resources at Hardin!”
Author Archives: Elizabeth Zaretsky
Get to know PubMed with our PubMed Express workshop on Wednesday
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This 30-minute session will show you how to find relevant articles fast using some of the basic features in PubMed. Our next session is Wednesday, September 4th 12:00-12:30 pm (Location: East Information Commons) Register onlineContinue reading “Get to know PubMed with our PubMed Express workshop on Wednesday”
Short on time? Join our PubMed Express workshop on Thursday, August 29th
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This 30-minute session will show you how to find relevant articles fast using some of the basic features in PubMed. Our next session is Thursday, August 29th 9:00-9:30 am (Location: East Information Commons) Register onlineContinue reading “Short on time? Join our PubMed Express workshop on Thursday, August 29th”
Get the information you need about PubMed with a free workshop on Friday
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one hour session will introduce you to the basics of searching PubMed and will also cover: using subject headings (MeSH headings), combining searches, choosing limits, and saving, printing and emailing search results. OurContinue reading “Get the information you need about PubMed with a free workshop on Friday”
Improve your lit search for a systematic review with a free workshop on July 30th
This class will focus on tips and techniques for carrying out a successful literature search in support of a systematic review. Topics will include techniques for developing search strategies, deciding which databases to search and how to seek out grey literature for a given topic. There will also be discussion on selecting journals for handContinue reading “Improve your lit search for a systematic review with a free workshop on July 30th”
Learn about trends in publishing with Hardin’s free workshop Wednesday, July 24
NIH Public Access, Open Access, Authors’ Rights, and Other Trends in Publishing: The NIH Public Access Policy, which assures that all articles arising from NIH-sponsored research are freely available within a year after publication, is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to changes in the scholarly publishing. Participants will learn more about theseContinue reading “Learn about trends in publishing with Hardin’s free workshop Wednesday, July 24”
Searching for Gene, Genome & Protein Information? Get tips at Hardin on July 16th
Overwhelmed by the number of databases that the National Center for Biotechnology Information has to offer on genomes, genes and proteins? Wondering which database you should always start with? Would you like to learn how to set up an NCBI account to link articles in PubMed to records in other databases? Do you know aboutContinue reading “Searching for Gene, Genome & Protein Information? Get tips at Hardin on July 16th”
Want to learn about toxicology resources? Free workshop at Hardin on July 10th
The purpose of this session is to introduce you to various environmental health and toxicology resources found on the National Library of Medicine’s website. Learn about important resources such as the Household Products Database, TOXMAP and TOXNET. The resources discussed in this session will be of interest to the researcher/scientist, health professional and the generalContinue reading “Want to learn about toxicology resources? Free workshop at Hardin on July 10th”
Get introduced to PubMed in 30 minutes with our free workshop July 11
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This 30-minute session will show you how to find relevant articles fast using some of the basic features in PubMed. Our next session is Thursday, July 11th 1:00-1:30 pm (Location: East Information Commons) Register onlineContinue reading “Get introduced to PubMed in 30 minutes with our free workshop July 11”
Learn about measuring scholarly impact at Hardin Library’s open workshop July 2nd
This class will teach participants how to use tools such as Ulrich’s, Journal Citation Reports, Web of Sciences, and Scopus to determine the impact that journals, articles, and authors have had on a particular field. Topics such as impact factors, Eigenfactors, and H-indices will also be discussed. Our next session: Tuesday, July 2nd 1:00-2:00 pmContinue reading “Learn about measuring scholarly impact at Hardin Library’s open workshop July 2nd”