The following is written by Community and Student Life Archivist Aiden Bettine The University Archives is embarking on a new, hands-on project to collect the history of student organizations on our campus, Student Organizations Archiving their Records or SOAR. The Purpose of SOAR is to ensure that the legacy of each student organization on theContinue reading “Introducing SOAR: A Project for Preserving the Legacy of Student Organizations on Campus”
Tag Archives: Aiden Bettine
Aiden Bettine to join Special Collections and University Archives
The University of Iowa Libraries is pleased to announce that Aiden M. Bettine will join the Department of Special Collections and University Archives as Community and Student Life Archivist effective January 4, 2021, a newly-created position in the Libraries’ Residency Librarian Program*. Bettine established the Transgender Oral History Project of Iowa in 2018 and isContinue reading “Aiden Bettine to join Special Collections and University Archives”