THIRD Annual Shakespeare Livestream
Tune in live April 22, 10:30am-1:30pm CST [Central time in the USA is GMT -5:00]
We’re back! Celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday week by joining us – live on the internet! – for our THIRD annual Shakespeare’s 400th Death Anniversary & Birthday Week Commemoration Livestream, featuring University of Iowa Shakespeare professor Adam Hooks, alongside Colleen Theisen, Special Collections Outreach & Engagement Librarian.
Now is your chance to Ask a Shakespeare Scholar anything about Shakespeare, about being a Shakespeare scholar, and maybe even about your least favorite Shakespeare plays. We will also have a selection of historic, unusual, beautiful, and forged editions of Shakespeare’s works from Special Collections which we’ll be showing and telling stories about LIVE!
Use the hashtag #shxlive to ask a question, or type one here in the comments, or tune in live to ask a question. The event will be added to the UISpecColl YouTube channel as a video after the completion of the event. (See past livestreams).
This year in preparation for the “First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare” exhibition arriving August 29th, 2016 the Livestream event will be bigger than ever with:
Heather Bain cutting quills and writing sonnets in calligraphy LIVE.
Students creating poetry using Shakespeare’s works.
And more surprises including guests!
Check back here, on our Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube for the URL on Friday.
Here’s the URL:
So, today is the 400th anniversary of Cervantes’s death (what a hit to the literary world over two days!), can you talk about what is known or unknown about the play Cardenio?