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Jr. Butterfly and Discussion with Opera’s Librettist

The first presentation of the Opera Studies Forum features a well-known Japanese author and the screening of a recently composed opera, in collaboration with the International Writing Program, the International Programs, the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, and the Department of Asian Languages and Literature, and the Department of Cinema & Comparative Literature. OnContinue reading “Jr. Butterfly and Discussion with Opera’s Librettist”

Participants Sought for Local StoryCorps Flood Stories Project

The devastating flood that hit Iowa last summer made headlines around the state, nation and world. Yet many stories could be lost if not preserved – or worse, simply remain untold. University of Iowa Libraries – along with university and community partners  –  has invited the national StoryCorps Project to collect and preserve these storiesContinue reading “Participants Sought for Local StoryCorps Flood Stories Project”

Hiroshima Survivor to Speak Sept 10

Yoshiko Kajimoto will describe her experience as a Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor at a presentation 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 10 at the Iowa City Public Library, Meeting Room A. On Aug. 6, 1945, Kajimoto was a student directed to work in an airplane parts factory 2.3 kilometers from the epicenter of where the atomic bombContinue reading “Hiroshima Survivor to Speak Sept 10”

Graphic & Web Designer Vacancy at UI Libraries

The University of Iowa Libraries has a half-time Graphic & Web Designer position vacancy. The application deadline is September 9, 2008. Please follow the links to see a complete position description, including application instructions, for the Graphic & Web Designer position. Creative, skilled, highly technical position designing web and print projects for the University ofContinue reading “Graphic & Web Designer Vacancy at UI Libraries”

Duck Your Head at the Main Library

As the fall semester starts, the Main Library is open and ready for students. The second floor ITC (computer lab) is open; Library staff is available at the reference desk and through IM until midnight; You can check out books and study in the library until 2 a.m. When you walk into the middle of the buildingContinue reading “Duck Your Head at the Main Library”

Revised Library Material Due Dates

To best support our library users needs and accommodate difficulties they had returning materials while the Main Library was evacuated (the period from Friday, June 13 through Wednesday, July 9), we have adjusted the following due dates. Faculty loans that have not been recalled are now due June 1, 2009. Graduate loans that have notContinue reading “Revised Library Material Due Dates”

Volunteers at Main Library – UPDATED

Moving Special Collections materials to the lower-level storage area has progressed very quickly, and we expect to have the third floor hallway cleared today. However a few volunteers are needed Thursday afternoon and Friday. Please call the Main Library Information Desk at 319-335-5299 to sign-up for a shift on Thursday or Friday. NO volunteers areContinue reading “Volunteers at Main Library – UPDATED”

Retrieving Teaching/Research Materials from Main Library – UPDATED

Since the Main Library will be closed longer than previously hoped, we are setting up a process for library staff to go into Main Library once a day, Monday-Friday, to retrieve teaching/research materials. Print materials – please use the delivery service request form ( Media materials – please contact Media Services staff by emailing lib-media-services@uiowa.eduContinue reading “Retrieving Teaching/Research Materials from Main Library – UPDATED”

Wet, Muddy, Damaged Library Books?

If you have library books that were damaged in flooding, there are several options for returning them the UI Libraries. DRY/UNDAMAGED BOOKS — return to Hardin or one of the branch libraries or wait until the Main Library is open. SLIGHTLY WET/DAMP BUT NOT MUDDY — wrap in wax paper and put in your freezer.Continue reading “Wet, Muddy, Damaged Library Books?”