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Revised Library Material Due Dates

To best support our library users needs and accommodate difficulties they had returning materials while the Main Library was evacuated (the period from Friday, June 13 through Wednesday, July 9), we have adjusted the following due dates.

    Faculty loans that have not been recalled are now due June 1, 2009.
    Graduate loans that have not been recalled are now due January 28, 2009.
    Short term loans that were due between June 12 and July 9 are now due August 1, 2008.
    Items that were recalled and were due between June 12 and July 9 are now due August 1, 2008.

This week we will begin processing recalls and sending notices that were received while the Main Library was closed.

If you have any questions about due dates, you can “Check My Account” from the Libraries’ website. You may also contact Main Library Circulation staff at or 319-335-5912.