The Universtiy of Iowa Libraries is proud to present a screening of the documentary CinemAbility on Thursday, November 12 at 6:30pm in Shambaugh Auditorium. From the early days of silent films to present day, from Chaplin to X-Men, disability portrayals are ever changing. This dynamic documentary takes a detailed look at the evolution of “disability” in entertainment by going behindContinue reading “Free Movie: CinemAbility”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Discussions in Progress: About Military Life
Discussions in Progress: About Military Life is a four-day event series offered by Military & Veteran Student Services in the Center for Diversity & Enrichment and the UI Libraries. The events will be held Monday, November 9 through Thursday, November 12 in the Main Library Learning Commons. This event series is designed to: Each day willContinue reading “Discussions in Progress: About Military Life”
Celebrate Valentine’s Day at the University of Iowa Main Library
Have you been searching for a good book to spend Valentine’s Day with? Want to use your card game skills to attract a mate? Looking for a rare book to discuss over dinner with that special someone? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should stop by the UI Main Library this week toContinue reading “Celebrate Valentine’s Day at the University of Iowa Main Library”
Main Library North Entrance Without ADA Access through September 2015
ADA access via the North entrance of the Main Library will not be available during construction of the new Main Library Exhibit Space next to Shambaugh Auditorium. Regular access will be available through one of the North entrance doors. Patrons needing ADA access are directed to use the East and South doors. This restriction will remain inContinue reading “Main Library North Entrance Without ADA Access through September 2015”
Footprints of Our International Students: Why Should We Care?
University Libraries welcomes Dr. Camile Alire, past president of America Library Association for Ada Stoflet lecture Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 3:00 p.m., Old Capitol Senate Chamber Who are our international students? What are some of the challenges they face studying in the U.S.? How can we best serve them? Dr. Camila Alire responds toContinue reading “Footprints of Our International Students: Why Should We Care?”
Finals Week in the Libraries
As you finish prepare for your exams, the Libraries have some things planned to help you stay balanced. Study all night, Main Library will be open 24/7, May 9-16. Pet a dog, 4-7PM, May 13 — Therapy Dogs of Johnson County will be in Main Library room 2032 for you to cuddle and relax with. MayContinue reading “Finals Week in the Libraries”
Congratulations to Stephen Sturgeon
Congratulations to Stephen Sturgeon, who has been appointed adjunct assistant professor in the English Department! Needless to say, this is quite an honor, and an indication of the high esteem in which he is held by the faculty. Kudos, Stephen!
Culshaw named University Librarian
John P. Culshaw, senior associate dean of libraries at the University of Colorado, Boulder, has been named university librarian for the University of Iowa, effective Aug. 1. Culshaw joined the university libraries at CU-Boulder in 1991 as central reference librarian. From 1996 to 2008, he oversaw the libraries’ Systems Department, providing leadership and direction forContinue reading “Culshaw named University Librarian”
National History Day at the University of Iowa Libraries, February 15, 2013
The University of Iowa Libraries welcomes students from Roosevelt, Wilson, and Franklin Middle Schools for a National History Day workshop.
Banned Books Week 2012
Banned Books Week (September 30-October 6) is an annual celebration of the freedom to read. This is the 30th year of Banned Books Week, and UI Libraries is celebrating on Tumblr: Check out updates about challenged books, submit a photo of your favorite banned or challenged book, and learn more about censorship and theContinue reading “Banned Books Week 2012”