Got research data? Have you shared it? Other researchers, funders, publishers, and the public want to know: The public – A Pew research survey found that open access to data and independent review inspire more trust in research findings by the public. Research participants – Many clinical trial participants understand and support data sharing (withinContinue reading “Data Management Course for Researchers”
Category Archives: Sciences
UI Libraries and student government collaborate to reduce textbook costs
How will I afford my textbooks this semester? Can I pass this course even though I don’t have the book? Is it illegal to download this PDF of the book that I found online? These are the kinds of questions students ask at the beginning of the semester. The solutions they find are creative. SometimesContinue reading “UI Libraries and student government collaborate to reduce textbook costs”
SEEKING NOMINATIONS: Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence
The University Libraries is seeking nominations for the Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence. Funded by a generous endowment, this prestigious award acknowledges a library staff member’s professional contributions in the practice of librarianship, service to the profession, scholarship, or leadership which has had a significant impact or innovation to the operations of theContinue reading “SEEKING NOMINATIONS: Arthur Benton University Librarian’s Award for Excellence”
Collect all seven prize buttons during our Library Crawl!
The University Libraries’ will be holding a Library Crawl from September 22nd through October 6th. Visit any library locations on campus during the crawl to receive a collectable prize button and participate in a library challenge. Buttons are available at these locations: Art Library, Pomerantz Business Library, Lichtenberger Engineering Library, Music Library, Hardin Library forContinue reading “Collect all seven prize buttons during our Library Crawl!”
Celebrating Pi Day with…
Pie, of course. Before you head out for Spring Break, stop by the UI Libraries on Thursday, March 14 for the celebration. Grab an apple tartlet at: Art Library 9:15am & 1:45pm Hardin Library for the Health Sciences 1:59pm until gone Lichtenberger Engineering Library 1:59pm – 4:00pm Main Library 1:59pm – 2:59pm Pomerantz Business Library 10:00am untilContinue reading “Celebrating Pi Day with…”
Several Shades of Gray: A Different Kind of Research
Somewhere between an idea and a fully formed published work is the gray area of research in progress, raw data and “science right now” reports. This gray literature is often difficult to find, but provides details often omitted for the final published work and provides rapid release in new research areas. Check out this guideContinue reading “Several Shades of Gray: A Different Kind of Research”
Celebrate Pi Day (belatedly) at the Libraries on March 19
Pi, Greek letter, is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. Pi = 3.1415926535…. Pi is used in many different fields and can be seen in our everyday lives. It may be seen in art,Continue reading “Celebrate Pi Day (belatedly) at the Libraries on March 19”