The University of Iowa Libraries offers students from the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) a unique opportunity to develop their skills and passion through student employment and practicums. Eleanor Ball is one of these students and she stands out through her many positive contributions according to her instructors, supervisors, and peers. Her passionContinue reading “Student employee spotlight: Eleanor Ball”
Category Archives: Main Library
Apply for OpenHawks grant funding to develop cost-saving Open Educational Resources
Are you concerned about lowering students’ textbook costs? Do you wish you could develop your own course resources to enhance your teaching? If so, you might consider applying for the OpenHawks grant program at the University of Iowa. Over the last several years, OpenHawks has funded over 70 Open Educational Resources (OER) projects across a broad range of disciplinesContinue reading “Apply for OpenHawks grant funding to develop cost-saving Open Educational Resources”
Libraries Advancement Council’s fall 2024 meeting
We were thrilled to host the University of Iowa Libraries Advancement Council (LAC) on campus Nov. 29–31, 2024, and already look forward to their next meeting, scheduled for April 2025. The LAC actively champions the Libraries and provides guidance and feedback to help UI Center for Advancement efforts to increase support through fundraising, advocacy, and engagement.Continue reading “Libraries Advancement Council’s fall 2024 meeting”
Davis named interdisciplinary area director for HASTAC
Jade E. Davis, associate university librarian for teaching, learning, and research at the University of Iowa Libraries, was selected to serve as the interdisciplinary area director of digital learning impact and libraries for HASTAC, the world’s first and oldest academic social network. HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory or “Haystack”) is aContinue reading “Davis named interdisciplinary area director for HASTAC”
Eichacker-Harper family recipients of the University of Iowa Family Spirit Award
The Eichacker-Harper family has been making Iowa history for five generations. Now, the family has been recognized with the well-deserved University of Iowa Family Spirit Award for their longstanding contributions to the university. The Libraries is fortunate to work closely with Virginia Eichacker (BS ’87, JD ’92), who is a member of the Libraries AdvancementContinue reading “Eichacker-Harper family recipients of the University of Iowa Family Spirit Award”
Main Library celebrates 140 years as a Government Information Depository
Did you know that everything from census data to crime statistics and patent information to cookbooks written by naval officers is available to the public because it’s government information? On June 25, 2024, the University of Iowa Libraries celebrates 140 years of making info published by a government agency accessible to the public. Depositories acrossContinue reading “Main Library celebrates 140 years as a Government Information Depository”
Student employee spotlight: Cassandra Parsons
When Hawkeye senior Cassandra Parsons arrived on the University of Iowa from her hometown of Williamsburg, Iowa, she knew that a student job would be a key part of her time as an undergraduate. And when Parsons, an English and creative writing major and anthropology minor, started work as a student assistant at the HardinContinue reading “Student employee spotlight: Cassandra Parsons”
UI Hardin Library to celebrate 50 years and fourth floor renovations to improve user experience
Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa Libraries is recognizing two milestones in May 2024: the completion of a major renovation to its fourth floor, including the John Martin Rare Book Room, and serving students, faculty, and staff for 50 years. Construction started in October 2022 to convert the fourth floor intoContinue reading “UI Hardin Library to celebrate 50 years and fourth floor renovations to improve user experience”
Get expert help with your data management plan
Do you need a data management and sharing plan (DMSP) for your grant proposal? The University of Iowa Libraries Research Data Services can help! Brian Westra, data services librarian, is available to help you create a data management plan in alignment with funding agency requirements. If you have questions about: Which repository is most appropriateContinue reading “Get expert help with your data management plan”
OpenHawks grant program promotes open educational resources, saves students money
Are you looking for a way to enhance your teaching, save your students money, and contribute to the global knowledge commons? If so, consider applying for the OpenHawks grant program at the University of Iowa. Over the last several years, OpenHawks has funded over 60 Open Educational Resources (OER) projects across a broad range ofContinue reading “OpenHawks grant program promotes open educational resources, saves students money”