Join Linda Galloway, Elsevier Customer Consultant, to learn about SciVal, Elsevier’s analytics solution. SciVal provides access to the comprehensive research performance of over 19,000 research institutions and their associated researchers from 230 nations worldwide. SciVal allows you to visualize your research performance, benchmark relative to peers, develop strategic partnerships, identify and analyze new, emerging research trends, and create uniquely tailored reports. SciVal is fully supported by the Scholarly Impact department in the UI Libraries. All workshops will be recorded.
Date | URL | SciVal Topic |
Wed, July 21
3pm Central | Join us to learn about SciVal, an analytics and benchmarking tool. You will discover how to navigate the modules, where the data comes from, explore entity types and learn how to export charts and data. Session duration: 60 minutes. | U of Iowa SciVal: Getting Started, Workshop 1
Thurs, Aug 5
11:30am Central
| In this session we will discuss key institutional metrics, begin to explore areas of research focus, and learn how to identify areas of research excellence. Session duration: 60 minutes. | U of Iowa SciVal: Institutional Insights, Workshop 2
Wed, Aug 18
3pm Central
| With more than 35 metrics included, SciVal opens up new ways of characterizing research impact. Join us to learn about the most popular metrics, how to ethically apply metrics and where to go for more information. We will also introduce Topic Prominence. Session duration: 60 minutes. | U of Iowa SciVal: Research Impact Metrics, Workshop 3
Thurs, Sept 2
11:30am Central
| SciVal’s Benchmarking Module offers great flexibility in analyzing research performance and impact. We will take an in-depth look at this very useful module including re-purposing the data and visualizations in other systems. Session duration: 60 minutes. | U of Iowa SciVal: Performance is relative: Benchmarking, Workshop 4
Wed, Sept 15
3pm Central
| Collaborations further academic research and can lead to a highly productive environment. Find out how collaborations influence research impact, learn how to explore current collaborations and foster new connections. Session duration: 60 minutes. | U of Iowa SciVal: Facilitating Collaborations, Workshop 5 |
Thurs, Sept 30
11:30am Central
| In our final workshop session, we will take a deep dive into the Trends module. Find out what type of information you can glean from Trends and learn how to use pre-existing research areas and create bespoke research areas. Session duration: 60 minutes. | U of Iowa SciVal: Research Trends, Workshop 6
In addition to the live workshops, we invite you to register for the free SciVal Certification online training program. Would you like to improve your SciVal skills and take on more challenging tasks? Or perhaps you wish to expand your understanding and use of SciVal to train and support others at your organization? This free, asynchronous, six-module course is designed to be completed in six weeks. Each module takes about 1.5 hours to complete.
Register here for Cohort 3, running from Sept 6 – Oct 13, or place yourself on the waiting list for Cohort 4, running from Nov 1 – Dec 10, 2021. We will contact you prior to the class to confirm your spot.
If you have any problems registering or questions about SciVal, please contact Sara Scheib, Head of the Scholarly Impact department in the UI Libraries.