Though the U.S. Census Bureau notes that only a little more than 1.6% of the population in Iowa claim Asian, Pacific Islander heritage, interest and support of Asian and Pacific Studies is well alive at the University of Iowa.
When the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies was founded at Iowa in 1986, substantial support was directed building library collections necessary for research, teaching and learning. Today the Libraries’ East Asian collection is directed by two full-time area studies librarians (one in Chinese studies and one in Japanese studies). The East Asian collection is one of the largest in Iowa and ranks about the middle of our peer institional libraries in the CIC.
To celebrate Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the Asian American Coalition has invited Cyndi Chen, the Division Administrator for the Status of Iowans of Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage, Department of Human Rights (CAPI) to campus. Ms. Chen is the first administrator for this office and is the first Asian immigrant to serve as an administrator in the state government of Iowa.
She will be speaking about the issues and concerns facing Asian Pacific Islanders in Iowa.
Tuesday, April 7, 6:00pm-7:00pm
101 Becker Communication Studies Building
Refreshments will be served.