Will there be libraries in 2020? While none of us have perfect future vision, I think the answer to that must be “yes, if…”
Mark Sandler, Director, Center for Library Initiatives, Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) will give this year’s library speaker series presentation on Wednesday, October 1at 10 a.m. in the Senate Chamber of the Old Capitol.
The “if’ here suggests we need to be doing some things now to assure the future well-being of our nation’s libraries. First and foremost, we have to look beyond the past glory days of the local library and visualize what services will be relevant and desirable at a time when readers everywhere will have myriad opportunities for accessing needed information. Libraries should be flourishing in 2020, but they need to get busy dreaming up their futures before the tides of change start overflowing the banks.
A reception will follow the presentation in the North Exhibit Hall in the Main Library at 11:30 a.m.