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Skip to main content Director to Speak about Relevance in Web Searching

After email, searching for information is the second most popular activity on the Internet. Search has become central means to discover products, services, information and entertainment on the Web.

ask.comKaushal Kurapati, Director of Search Relevance & Quality at will present “Search Engine Internals” in the Department of Computer Science Colloquim Series on Friday, March 9 at 4 p.m. in 140 Schaeffer Hall.

There are four major general purpose search engines on the Web today:, Google, MSN and Yahoo. Kurapati will talk about how search engines work in general and discuss the challenges search engines face today. He will focus on various aspects of relevance in general and especially on one of the interesting and unique features at, “related search.”

Reception, with refreshments, takes place 3:30-4:00 in Muhly Lounge right before the presentation.