The annual John Martin Rare Book Room (JMRBR) open house will be on Thursday, April 24, 2025. All are invited to drop in from 5:30 to 8 p.m. to tour the space and explore staples of the JMRBR collection. There will also be special materials on display, such as John Gerard’s The herball and Brunschwig’sContinue reading “Save the date for the John Martin Rare Book Room open house on April 24”
Category Archives: Exhibits
In pictures: 50 years of Hardin Library for the Health Sciences
(Exhibit curated by Damien Ihrig, curator for the John Martin Rare Book Room, and Helen Spielbauer, creative coordinator, Hardin Library) 50 years ago this fall, the University of Iowa opened the Health Sciences Library, later named in 1988 after Dr. Robert C. Hardin. A former physician and professor of internal medicine, Dr. Hardin served asContinue reading “In pictures: 50 years of Hardin Library for the Health Sciences”
The History of Women’s Health & Women Practitioners in Midwest | John Martin Rare Book Room Open House & Lecture | Greta Nettleton, Speaker | Wed. May 3
Join Hardin Library staff for the Annual John Martin Rare Book Room Open House featuring a lecture by Greta Nettleton. Wednesday, May 3 Open House, 3-6pm, John Martin Rare Book Room, 446 Hardin Library, 600 Newton Road, Iowa City Greta Nettleton Lecture, 6-7pm, Room 401 Hardin Library The open house will highlight historical works onContinue reading “The History of Women’s Health & Women Practitioners in Midwest | John Martin Rare Book Room Open House & Lecture | Greta Nettleton, Speaker | Wed. May 3”
John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library Open House 2022 Book List
Visit the John Martin Rare Book Room at Hardin Library for the annual open house, Wednesday, April 20, from 4pm-7pm. All are welcome/family friendly! Masks encouraged. This is an in-person event. The following books will be on display: BLEULAND, JAN (1756-1838). Otium academicum. Trajecti ad Rhenum: Ex Officina Joh. Altheer, academiae typographi, 1828. SABUCO deContinue reading “John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library Open House 2022 Book List”
Main Library Gallery Exhibit | We Are Hawkeyes: Celebrating 175 Years of Student Life at the University of Iowa.
Curator highlights, including images: We Are Hawkeyes: Celebrating 175 Years of Student Life at the University of Iowa – Main Library Gallery – University of Iowa Libraries ( Stop by to check out this exhibit at the Main Library Gallery. On display are snippets of student life from throughout the university’s history: the Iowa MemorialContinue reading “Main Library Gallery Exhibit | We Are Hawkeyes: Celebrating 175 Years of Student Life at the University of Iowa.”
Scientific Books & Their Makers : Pop Up Exhibit and Presentations | Monday, May 6 | John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library
Students in History 4430/UICB 4930 Scientific Books and Their Makers invite you to a pop up exhibit and series of presentations. The exhibit includes interactive, artistic, literary, and scholarly elements, grounded in research in the history of science and the book in early modern Europe. Monday, May 6 10am-12pm John Martin Rare Book Room, 401Continue reading “Scientific Books & Their Makers : Pop Up Exhibit and Presentations | Monday, May 6 | John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library”
Moveable Medicine | John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library | Annual Open House | Thursday, March 28, 4-7pm
Moveable Medicine : A look at flap books from the John Martin Rare Book Room collection Thursday, March 28th 4-7 pm John Martin Rare Book Room 4th floor of the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences Join us to learn the history and importance of flap books throughout medical history. Discover the doctors, authors, andContinue reading “Moveable Medicine | John Martin Rare Book Room @Hardin Library | Annual Open House | Thursday, March 28, 4-7pm”
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month | Books and Display
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We have some materials available on the 3rd Floor: Display and giveaways from the Rape Victim Advocacy Program Books on rape, sexual assault, and trauma from Hardin’s collection available to check out Guide to library resources The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey from CDC
Hatching Herky Celebration | Friday, Sept. 14, 11am-2pm | 3rd Floor @Main Library
You are invited Catch the HATCHING HERKY celebration at the University of Iowa Libraries! HATCHING HERKY OPEN HOUSE Friday September 14, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections 3rd Floor Main Library Join us on September 14 for a special view of an exhibit showing the birth of Herky. See theContinue reading “Hatching Herky Celebration | Friday, Sept. 14, 11am-2pm | 3rd Floor @Main Library”