Hardin Library subscribes to a variety of clinical resources that include free mobile apps for UIowa affiliated users including faculty, staff, students, residents, fellows, and emeritus faculty. Find instructions on how to install on our guide: https://guides.lib.uiowa.edu/mobile.
- UpToDate: EBM clinical resource
- DynaMed Plus: EBM clinical resources Differences between DynaMed Plus and UpToDate from Harrell Library @PSU
- ClinicalKey: Information from 1100 text, 500 journals published by Elsevier
- Johns Hopkins ABX Guide Mobile: EBM treatment information for infectious diseases
- BMJ Best Practice: decision-support
- VisualDX Mobile: visually based differential DX tool
- AccessMedicine Mobile: includes DX and RX tools and textbooks
- MicroMedex Drug Interactions
- Medical Letter app
- Micromedex Neofax and Pediatrics Essential Mobile: drug dosing and parenteral nutrition support for peds and neonatal patients
- StatRef! Mobile: EBM resources, full-text journal titles, ACP Smart Medicine, Merck Manual, Stedman’s
- OvidToday: access to Ovid journals
- BrowZine: faster reading of your journals
All of Hardin’s electronic databases and tools are available here: https://guides.lib.uiowa.edu/az.php?s=119595. Most of these sources are responsive and will also work on a mobile device without loading an app.
A more complete list of University of Iowa Libraries electronic resources is available here: https://guides.lib.uiowa.edu/az.php?a=all
If you have difficulty installing apps, please contact us.