The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society will host its annual R. Palmer Howard Dinner, Friday, April 25, 2008. The reception will begin at 6:00 pm followed by the dinner at 7:00 on the 8th floor, Roy Carver Pavilion, UIHC. The after-dinner speaker will be, Walton O. Schalick, III, Md, PhD, Assistant Professor ofContinue reading “History of Medicine Society to Host Annual Banquet, Friday, April 25”
Author Archives: Donna Hirst
Rare Morphological Work Added to Rare Book Collection
Recently, the John Martin Rare Book Room acquired a rare copy of Edward Tyson’s 1699 book, Orang-outang, sive, Homo sylvestris, or, The anatomy of a pygmie compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man… The book constitutes of the most important works in the history of comparative morphology. Physician, Edward Tyson, studiedContinue reading “Rare Morphological Work Added to Rare Book Collection”
Dr. Ronald Strauss to Speak on Elmer DeGowin’s role in Blood Transfusion
The public is invited to a University of Iowa History of Medicine talk on “Elmer L. DeGowin, MD, Blood transfusions in war and peace” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, in Room 401 of the UI Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. The speaker will be Dr. Ronald Strauss, Professor, DeGowin Blood Center, University ofContinue reading “Dr. Ronald Strauss to Speak on Elmer DeGowin’s role in Blood Transfusion”
Emily Alden to speak on “Physicians of the Deaf”
The public is invited to a University of Iowa History of Medicine talk on “Physicians of the Deaf: Treatment, Prevention and the AMA’s War on Quackery 1910-1940″ at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 26, in Room 401 of the UI Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. The speaker will be Emily Alden, Student, Interdepartmental Studies Program,Continue reading “Emily Alden to speak on “Physicians of the Deaf””
Dr. Russell Noyes to speak on the history of hypochondria
The public is invited to a University of Iowa History of Medicine talk on “The Transformation of Hypochondriasis: 1680 to 1880” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 22, in Room 401 of the UI Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. The speaker will be Russell Noyes, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Carver College of Medicine, University ofContinue reading “Dr. Russell Noyes to speak on the history of hypochondria”
“Iowa Leading the Way: Dr. Ralph Waters and the First Ambulatory Surgery Center”
The public is invited to a University of Iowa History of Medicine talk on “Iowa Leading the Way: Dr. Ralph Waters and the First Ambulatory Surgery Center” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 27, in Room 401 of the UI Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. The speaker will be Douglas Merrill, Medical Director, Ambulatory SurgeryContinue reading ““Iowa Leading the Way: Dr. Ralph Waters and the First Ambulatory Surgery Center””
From Oxford to Iowa City — The Desk of Sir William Osler
The next time you visit the Hardin Library, peek into the John Martin Rare Book Room for a glimpse at the antique dark oak desk just inside the entrance. It once belonged to Sir William Osler (1849–1919), unquestionably the most famous English speaking physician of the late 19th and early 20th century.
“Ghosts in the Stacks”
Fear and dread are no strangers to the Libraries, especially during finals week, as students fight the demons of procrastination, sleep deprivation, and over-caffeination. But this Halloween, we’re kicking it up a notch from fear to terror. Drop by Main Library on Halloween for our “Ghosts From the Stacks” event, where library staff will drawContinue reading ““Ghosts in the Stacks””
Dr. Edmund Franken to Speak on Lincoln and Milk Sickness
The public is invited to a University of Iowa History of Medicine talk on “Poisoning on the Prairie: Abraham Lincoln, Nancy Hanks Lincoln and Milk Sickness” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 23, in Room 401 of the UI Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. The speaker will be Edmund A. Franken, Jr., Professor Emeritus, DivisionContinue reading “Dr. Edmund Franken to Speak on Lincoln and Milk Sickness”
“From Monks to Masters”
The companion lectures to “From Monks to Masters,” an exhibit now being held at the University of Iowa Museum of Art, have been scheduled for broadcast on UITV. One of the presentations by Ed Holtum, “Breaking with Galen,” provides a glimpse at anatomical knowledge and illustration from the era of the manuscript through the firstContinue reading ““From Monks to Masters””