Infohawk + is the new public catalog which searches by default all UI Libraries holdings + many of our subscribed literature databases. Infohawk, the traditional catalog, has retired.
This tool is similar to SmartSearch in that it is a discovery tool, which means that it is iintended to be a starting point for finding information. When an thorough literature search is needed, we recommend use of literature databases directly (PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus). If you would like to learn more about using Infohawk+, please view our tutorials, or contact us.
UI Link is replacing Infolink from all databases. It continues to be bright yellow and serves the same purpose: to link to electronic full text if UI libraries has a subscription or to direct you to request an item through interlibrary loan when electronic access is unavailable.
UI Link is active for many databases, such as Pubmed and CINAHL, and the transition will continue to take effect for all resources occur over the next month.
Because this is a new system, the implementation team is working to resolve problems. One known issue is that the link to borrow from interlibrary loan (borrow from another library) does not initiate a request with pre-population of the request form, as it previously did with Infolink.
Please let us know about other issues you encounter so that we can continue to work toward improving functionality.