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History of Medicine Society Dinner and Presentation

The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society announces the R. Palmer Howard Dinner for 2011.

Robert Shotwell will speak on The Anatomist and the Book in the Early Sixteenth Century.

Attempts have been made by historians to connect the developments of science & medicine in the 16th century with the appearance of printed books.  Allen Shotwell will focus on two specific aspects of printed books and anatomy.  The first is the interplay between the structure and content of anatomical texts and the practice of dissection.  The second is the advent of illustrations and the role of the printer.

Friday, April 29, 2011, 6:00-9:00
Reception begins at 6:00; Dinner at 7:00; and the talk begins at 8:00.
Location: Iowa Memorial Union, North Room (181) IMU
Make your reservations now but no later than April 22, 2011 from Donna Sabin:
Phone: 319-335-6706;  Email:
Online form(print & mail):
Payment required in advance:  $30.00