Office Chief of Artillery
District of Middle Tennessee.
Nashville, Tenn. May 18th 1865.
Dear Sister Mollie:
It seems a long time since I have heard from home. I assure you I would like to hear from you semi-occationally at least. You must not think I have lost all feelings of interest in my friends at home. I love my sisters and brother and father as well as I ever did.
There is more need of my getting letters from my sisters at home now while in Nashville, than there is generally when I am away from home, because I have no “adopted sisters” here. I don’t call on my “singing bird” any more. Perhaps you don’t know who I mean it’s the girl from Michigan whom I mentioned in a letter to you a few weeks ago. Before I was aware of the fact I had conceived a very tender regard for her and to prevent its growth I am obliged to forgo the pleasure of her company. Continue reading