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Hd. Qurs., Co. “A”, 129th Ills. Vols.
Washington, D.C., June 5th 1865
My Dear Wife
We are still very busy preparing for our muster-out & are expecting our turn to come every day. The 102d Ills. was mustered out yesterday evening & start home very soon.1Â I hoped to hear from you by yesterday’s mail but was doomed to disappointment. I hardly expect to hear again unless you have written yesterday, which, if mailed to-day, will reach me Wednesday [the 7th].
We are all well. Alf [Huetson] returned to the Company yesterday evening & will help me with my papers. I hope to have all completed by to-morrow.
I am going to the city this morning to get the money out of the express office that Charlie sent me. I sent down for it twice but did not succeed in getting it. We hope to get home sometime next week if nothing happens. Hoping to find you well & happy with God’s blessing resting upon you, I remain, as ever,
Your affect. Husband
J. F. Culver
- The 102d Illinois, like the 129th Illinois, belonged to the 1st Brigade, Third Division, XX Corps. That evening General Ward had his brigade commanders assemble their men to listen to his farewell address. Ward had had too much to drink, and “words as well as sense were wanting or but half understood.” He was interrupted several times by cheers and jeers from his soldiers. General Harrison and Colonel Doan of the 79th Ohio also made speeches, dwelling on the privations, hardships, and battles they had shared. They were interrupted frequently by applause. Grunert, History of the 129th Illinois, p. 267. [↩]