Friday, July 1, 2016 During a disaster, time is critical but help is a phone call away. IMALERT Hotline: 319-384-3673. As of today the Iowa Museums, Archives, and Libraries Emergency Response Team (IMALERT) is providing a hotline service to cultural institutions experiencing an emergency or disaster. The IMALERT Hotline at 319-384-3673 can connect staff withContinue reading “IMALERT Disaster Hotline for Cultural Collections Live July 1, 2016”
Category Archives: Community, outreach, education, and events
Highlights from 2015: William Anthony Conservation Lecture
The second annual William Anthony Conservation Lecture was held on the the 8th of October, 2015. Gary Frost, Conservator Emeritus and instructor of book conservation at SUNY Buffalo spoke about the history of bookbinding and the University of Iowa Conservation Department’s bookbinding model collection which was the creation of the lecture’s namesake. The collection has grownContinue reading “Highlights from 2015: William Anthony Conservation Lecture”
Soot and Dust Clean Up
Thursday, April 30, 2015 It really is a small world. As a volunteer for the AIC-CERT Disaster Response hotline, I had a call with a question about soot drifting in from a fire a couple doors down. On further inquiry, I discovered that the caller was from Traer, Iowa, only 90 miles away. Rather thanContinue reading “Soot and Dust Clean Up”
Benefit Auction and Plainly Spoken Reception at University of Iowa Library
Two events will mark the closing of the UI Libraries Conservation Lab’s 30th anniversary celebration: a reception for the Midwest Guild of Bookworkers Exhibit Plainly Spoken, and an auction of fine bindings, to benefit the William Anthony Conservation Fund. The festivities will take place in Special Collections, 3rd floor of the Main Library, on NovemberContinue reading “Benefit Auction and Plainly Spoken Reception at University of Iowa Library”
Preservation & Conservation Welcomes New Hires
Thursday, September 18, 2014 The UI Libraries Preservation & Conservation department would like to welcome two new(ish) staff members, Justin Baumgartner and Elizabeth Stone. They join us as members of the Keith/Albee project team. They will be working together, along with other UI Libraries staff, to stabilize and digitize the Keith/Albee collection. Both Justin andContinue reading “Preservation & Conservation Welcomes New Hires”
Buffalo and Iowa Connection
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 By Gary Frost A library and archives specialty is now accommodated within art conservation programs at the University of Delaware, New York University and Buffalo State College. Iowa is among others supporting and participating in this overall initiative that is generously supported by the Andrew Mellon Foundation. UI has begun hostingContinue reading “Buffalo and Iowa Connection”
Iowa Collections Emergency Response Team Training
Thursday, August 21, 2014 Yesterday twenty-five individuals from around Iowa gathered at the Camp Dodge Gold Star Military Museum in Johnston to begin training as a member of the Iowa Collections Emergency Response Team (Iowa CERT). Many of Iowa’s documentary collections are scattered in museums and libraries throughout the state. These diverse collections together formContinue reading “Iowa Collections Emergency Response Team Training”
UI Libraries receives Carver grant to renovate exhibition space
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 In April, the University of Iowa Libraries was awarded $500,000 by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust in support of the renovation of the Main Library Exhibition Space. Very exciting news! Our current space was constructed in 1951 and has not changed much since then. Over the years, using the spaceContinue reading “UI Libraries receives Carver grant to renovate exhibition space”
UI Conservator Emeritus Gary Frost to participate in library and archives conservation program.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded a generous grant to the Art Conservation Department at Buffalo State College. This funding will provide expanded development of Library and Archives Conservation training. Frost will provide student instruction and advisement in the expanded program. He will travel to Buffalo twiceContinue reading “UI Conservator Emeritus Gary Frost to participate in library and archives conservation program.”
The Wunderkammer at Grinnell: Supporting Foldouts
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Submitted by Brenna Campbell Many of the books in the Wunderkammer show at Grinnell had elaborate foldout illustrations, which required custom supports. These were typically made separately from the cradle, and were often strapped into place once the book was in its display case. It was important to strap the bookContinue reading “The Wunderkammer at Grinnell: Supporting Foldouts”