Tuesday, November 26, 2013 The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library recently acquired this sweet chunky 19th century religious text and brought it into the lab. The binding had broken away from the text block after the first signature because it was so large. The cover was consolidated and the hinges were repaired withContinue reading “Fixing a detached cover”
Category Archives: National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
Piecing together a flood damaged map
Friday, October 19, 2012 We are nearing the end of the flood damaged flatwork for the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library. One of the final pieces was a map that had previously been broken into 32 pieces and lined on a linen cloth. We carefully removed each piece of the map from theContinue reading “Piecing together a flood damaged map”
It’s a small world
Friday, May 18, 2012 I always love when things come together to remind us how small the world really is. I have been working on a Bible from the African American Museum of Iowa that was damaged in the flood. The Bible was in pretty bad shape. The binding had totally failed and it wasContinue reading “It’s a small world”
Andrea’s Awesome Flood Recovery Video
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Recovering from a flood can take years and can be overwhelming if you don’t have help. Luckily the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library and the University of Iowa Libraries have lots of excellent help. The UI Libraries Conservation Lab continues to act as a flood recovery lab for theContinue reading “Andrea’s Awesome Flood Recovery Video”
Record Return!
We have been working on many projects for various museums that got hit by the flood of 2008. Remember the entry way back on December 18 of 2009? We may have sounded elated about our accomplishments then, but now we are for sure! We have finally finished the rest of the flood-damaged phonograph records. AllContinue reading “Record Return!”
Odor Reduction for Books in Storage
The National Czech and Slovak Museum and Libraries have a vast collection of books damaged in the flood. Most of their collection is currently in storage in Cedar Rapids awaiting treatment. We recently received a box of books that was pretty smelly. In order to help curb the smell we developed a new way toContinue reading “Odor Reduction for Books in Storage”
Good-bye Caitlin, Hello Kathleen
Good-bye Caitlin, Hello Kathleen Caitlin Moore, our Flood Recovery Conservation Technician, is moving on to the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis. We are sad to see her go but are so thankful for all the work she has done for the past three years. Good Luck, Caitlin! We welcome Kathleen Tandy to fillContinue reading “Good-bye Caitlin, Hello Kathleen”
Czech book project
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 One of the projects that we’ve just begun to address has been waiting two years. The Czech Slovak library has roughly 7500 books that were frozen post flood. They estimate that 20 % of the books are damaged beyond repair and will need to be replaced. Nancy and I went upContinue reading “Czech book project”
Moving On!
Thursday, March 4, 2010 The long awaited day arrived at last. We moved out of our “dirty room” at Oakdale Hall, took down our sign, and turned in our keys! Over 18 months ago in the midst of finding space for faculty and students, University of Iowa officials took time to find us a roomContinue reading “Moving On!”
Flood-Damaged Phonograph Records Sent Home
Friday, December 18, 2009 A much awaited event finally arrived. We returned close to 1,500 sound recordings to David Muhlena, Library Director for the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids. Cleaning the records was very labor intensive. We began our work in July 2008, working in the Paper Lab cleaning offContinue reading “Flood-Damaged Phonograph Records Sent Home”