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Voices from the Stacks: Phillip G. Hubbard

The following is written by Olson Graduate Research Assistant Anne Moore.   Phillip G. Hubbard was an engineering professor, administrator, civil rights champion, and distinguished member of the University of Iowa community. He was the first Black professor at the university and spent more than 40 years advocating for students and providing counsel to sixContinue reading “Voices from the Stacks: Phillip G. Hubbard”

Voices from the Stacks: Los Bailadores Zapatistas and the Latino Native American Cultural Center

The following is written by Olson Graduate Research Assistant Anne Moore. Last week, the Latino-Native American Alumni Alliance (LANA3) gathered on campus to celebrate more than 50 years of the Latino Native American Cultural Center (LNACC) at the University of Iowa. In 1971, three students—Rusty Barceló, Ruth Pushetonequa, and Tony Zavala—founded the the Chicano IndianContinue reading “Voices from the Stacks: Los Bailadores Zapatistas and the Latino Native American Cultural Center”