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From Iowa to Soviet Siberia: The Zimmerman Steel Journey II

In 1931, Henry Zimmerman of Lone Tree, Iowa traveled to Kuznetsk, Siberia, to oversee the building of steel mills in the Soviet Union. The University of Iowa Special Collections has been collaborating with Russian History doctoral student Irina Rezhapova (Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penal Service) on a special digital project which tells the story of Zimmerman’s journey.

From Iowa to Soviet Siberia: The Zimmerman Steel Journey I

In 1931, Henry Zimmerman of Lone Tree, Iowa traveled to Kuznetsk, Siberia, to oversee the building of steel mills in the Soviet Union. The University of Iowa Special Collections has been collaborating with Russian History doctoral student Irina Rezhapova (Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penal Service) on a special digital project which tells the story of Zimmerman’s journey.

UI alumni heed the Homecoming call

Ah, homecoming: A nearly century-old UI football ritual with more traditions than you can punt, pass or kick. A few of them are described in the October “Old Gold,” a monthly feature by university archivist David McCartney for Spectator@Iowa, a publication of the Office of University Relations for alumni and friends of the University of Iowa: