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UI Author’s Addendum

Today in Molly Kleinman’s talk about Open Access, she discussed the importance of scholars/authors keeping some of their rights to their own work. The UI Author’s Addendum (pdf) enables authors to continue using their publications in their academic work and to deposit them into any discipline-based research repository (including PubMed Central, the National Library ofContinue reading “UI Author’s Addendum”

Open Access and Publication Immediacy

Editor’s Note: Throughout Open Access Week (Oct 19-23), the UI Libraries will be sharing the views of our UI colleagues on the topic of open access.         by Raymond Riezman, Ph.D., Henry B. Tippie Research Professor of Economics The Economics Bulletin is an open-access letters journal founded in 2001 with the mission of providing free andContinue reading “Open Access and Publication Immediacy”

SPARC Welcomes You to Open Access Week

Welcome to Open Access Week 2009, from SPARC from Jennifer McLennan on Vimeo. SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition of the Association of Research Library, of which the University of Iowa Libraries is a member) is a proud co-organizer of Open Access Week 2009 and is pleased to offer this welcome to the global celebrations, to beContinue reading “SPARC Welcomes You to Open Access Week”

Open Access and the Creative Commons

Editor’s Note: Throughout Open Access Week (Oct 19-23), the UI Libraries will be sharing the views of our UI colleagues on the topic of open access. In November 2005 Creative Commons published the following conversation with UI Associate Professor, Kembrew McLeod. At the time he had recently published his book “Freedom of Expression®” under aContinue reading “Open Access and the Creative Commons”

A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access

 by Peter Suber Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder. OA is entirely compatible with peer review, and all the major OA initiatives for scientific and scholarly literature insistContinue reading “A Very Brief Introduction to Open Access”

Open Access or: How I learned to stop worrying . . . ” – Oct 20

Did you know that access to some scholarly journals can cost as much as buying a new car . . . every year? That is a price that UI Libraries cannot afford, but it is a research tool that YOU can’t afford to work without. So what do we do? Open Access: it means moreContinue reading “Open Access or: How I learned to stop worrying . . . ” – Oct 20″

Create Open Access Video for the Sparky Awards

Washington, DC – The organizers of the popular Sparky Awards, a contest that recognizes the best new short videos on the value of information sharing, have announced that Pat Aufderheide, Director of the Center for Social Media and professor at American University, and Ben Moskowitz, organizer of the Open Video Alliance and co-founder of theContinue reading “Create Open Access Video for the Sparky Awards”

CIC Provosts File Letter With Court in Google Settlement

The CIC has been a Google digitization partner since 2007. Under the terms of the partnership, Google will digitize up to ten million volumes across the CIC universities .  The CIC has filed a letter with the federal court of New York overseeing the proposed Google Book Search settlement. Google Book Search Project – IntroductionIn 2007,Continue reading “CIC Provosts File Letter With Court in Google Settlement”