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Conservation Lab Restores Artifacts from African American Museum of Iowa

The Conservation Laboratory at the University of Iowa Libraries has completed restoration of 23 flood-damaged artifacts from the African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa in Cedar Rapids. The media is invited to be the lab at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3, when Susan Kuecker, museum curator, comes to the Conservation Lab toContinue reading “Conservation Lab Restores Artifacts from African American Museum of Iowa”

Grant to Digitize Wallace Papers

We are pleased to announce that the National Historical Publications and Records Committee (NHPRC) of the National Archives has awarded The University of Iowa Libraries $32,700 in funding to digitize the microfilm edition of the Henry A. Wallace (1888-1965) Papers to create an open-access online collection. The 67 reels of microfilm contain approximately 67,000 framesContinue reading “Grant to Digitize Wallace Papers”

Frost Exhibits in Gallery Walk

University of Iowa Libraries’ conservator Gary Frost is working with Iowa City artists Emily Martin and Loret Mast to create an exhibit for Friday’s Gallery Walk at MidWestOne Bank (formerly Iowa State Bank) in downtown Iowa City. Frost will focus his exhibit pieces on “Saving Collections: Storm and Salvage” and “Saving Collections: Recovery and Protection.” The GalleryContinue reading “Frost Exhibits in Gallery Walk”

Kraft and McCartney Part of Rebuild Iowa Task Force

Nancy E. Kraft, Head of Preservation and David McCartney, University Archivist in the University of Iowa Libraries have been asked to participate in Governor Culver’s Rebuild Iowa project. They are part of the Cultural Heritage and Records Retention Task Forces. Each of the nine Rebuild Iowa Task Forces is charged with developing and setting outContinue reading “Kraft and McCartney Part of Rebuild Iowa Task Force”

Frost Saving Libraries in Peru

Last November, University Conservator Gary Frost visited Arequipa, Peru, at former UI Librarian Helen Ryan’s invitation to assist in preservation assessment of the historical libraries in the area. Gary has returned to Arequipa to provide further assistance along with a couple of his colleagues from other universities. A major activity will be moving an entireContinue reading “Frost Saving Libraries in Peru”