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McTyre Elected VP of the Music Library Association

ruthann.jpgRuthann Boles McTyre is the newly elected Vice President/President Elect of the Music Library Association. McTyre is Head of the Rita Benton Music Library at the University of Iowa.  Previously at Baylor University, she was Head of the Crouch Music and Fine Arts Library from 1992 – 2000, also serving as Associate Director for Organizational Development and Planning, 1999-2000.  Earlier at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, she was the Public Services Librarian for the Music Library. She holds an M.L.S. from the University of North Texas and M.M. (Vocal Performance) and B.M. (Music Education) from Southern Methodist University.  Her publications include Library Resources for Singers, Coaches, and Accompanists: an Annotated Bibliography, 1970-1997 (Greenwood, 1998), “Source Readings,” in Music Reference and Research Materials (5th ed., Schirmer, 1997), “Music in Britain in the 1890s” in The 1890s: an Encyclopedia of British Literature, Art, and Culture (Garland, 1993). 

Among her MLA service, Ms. McTyre has been a Member-at-Large (2004-2006), chair of the Development Committee (2001-2004; 2006-2007), Program Committee (Louisville, 2000), and the Reference and Public Service Committee (1996-1999), the moderator for annual meeting open forums including “Ask MLA” (2000-2003) and “Hot Topics” (2005-2008), and a member of the Nominating Committee (2006), the Education Committee (2000-2004), and the Ad Hoc Committee for Chapter Evaluation (Plan 2001) (1997-1999). Throughout her career she has participated in regional chapters SEMLA, TEMLA, and then the Midwest, chairing local arrangements committees for all three chapters.  In past years, she was also active in the Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG), most recently as Chair (2002-2004) and Past-Chair (2005).  McTyre will be Vice President/President Elect for the coming year, President for 2009-2010, and then will serve an additional year as Past President.