This article has been superseded by the following: Plant-Based Foods – A Tricky PubMed Search – Revised 2016 ********************** By Eric Rumsey and Janna Lawrence As discussed in an earlier article, searching for Food-Diet-Nutrition in PubMed is difficult because the subject is spread around in several different places in the MeSH classification system. In another article,Continue reading “Plant-Based Foods – A Tricky PubMed Search”
Category Archives: PubMed
Food, Diet & Nutrition – An Inclusive PubMed Search
[March, 2016 – With NLM’s recent introduction of an inclusive diet, food and nutrition explosion, in most cases we recommend using the new explosion instead of the hedge described below. Please see our article on the new explosion.] By Eric Rumsey and Janna Lawrence As discussed in a previous article, searching for Food, Diet, andContinue reading “Food, Diet & Nutrition – An Inclusive PubMed Search”
Searching for Food, Diet & Nutrition in PubMed
This article has been superseded by the following: Diet, Food, and Nutrition – How To Search in PubMed ********************** By Eric Rumsey and Janna Lawrence Much of the power of PubMed searching is due to the elegant Medical Subject Heading [MeSH] system used to index articles. When you type words into the PubMed search box, itContinue reading “Searching for Food, Diet & Nutrition in PubMed”
PubMed Limits Are Now Filters
As you may have noticed, PubMed changed the way users limit search results. The link for “limits” has been replaced by a “filters” sidebar. This sidebar will function similarly to the way the limits page worked. For example, once filters/limits have been set, they will remain in place for all subsequent searches unless the userContinue reading “PubMed Limits Are Now Filters”
Changes to PubMed
There are a few new features available in PubMed this week. There is now an option within a single citation abstract view to add items to favorites. This is similar to the clipboard function, but requires that you are signed in to your NCBI account (which is free and allows you to save searches, createContinue reading “Changes to PubMed”
PubMed and Internet Explorer 6
As of September 1, PubMed may no longer work with IE 6. The current version of Internet Explorer is IE 9 and if you look at the Microsoft Internet Explorer download page, it doesn’t go back further than IE 7. You can find out which version of Internet Explorer you are using, you can findContinue reading “PubMed and Internet Explorer 6”
Changes Coming to My NCBI
My NCBI is going to be getting a little bit of a make-over in the near future. If you are not familiar with My NCBI, it is most known for being a tool that allows you to save searches, set auto-alerts in PubMed, and manages your “My Bibliography” (which is used for managing your personalContinue reading “Changes Coming to My NCBI”
MeSH database redesign launched February 14
Have you noticed that PubMed looks a little different when you’re using MeSH? The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Database was redesigned on February 14, 2011 to provide users with the same streamlined interface now available in PubMed® and the NLM® Catalog. If you haven’t heard of MeSH, it standsContinue reading “MeSH database redesign launched February 14”
New Doors to PubMed
As the volume of content in PubMed continues to expand, the need for sophisticated and skillful searching is more important than ever. In addition to developing fluency with MeSH and limits, however, today’s researchers have access to an increasing number of third-party, home-grown, and open-source tools with which to refine their literature searches. One suchContinue reading “New Doors to PubMed”