Hardin Library recently upgraded to DynaMed Plus (http://purl.lib.uiowa.edu/ebsco/dynamed). DynaMed Plus features a new, cleaner interface, an improved search engine, and an easier-to-use navigation panel on the left side of each topic. Topics now (or will soon) feature a section called Overview and Recommendations at the beginning, providing quick background information and graded, evidence-based management recommendations. Longer, more in-depth information then follows. ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes are given for each condition and guidelines and patient information are available. Drug content, such as medication management and lab recommendations, is now provided by Micromedex. More than 4000 graphics and images are included in DynaMed Plus to aid diagnosis and treatment.
Dynamed Plus also has an improved mobile app, available for iOS and Android devices. Click on Mobile Use – Get the DynaMed Plus Mobile App in the lower left corner of DynaMed’s search page for more information.
For more information, contact your Hardin Library liaison or Hardin Reference staff at 319-335-9150 or lib-hardin@uiowa.edu.