“The global literature cited in the WHO COVID-19 Research Database is updated daily (Tuesday through Saturday) from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searching, and the addition of other expert-referred scientific articles. This database represents a comprehensive multilingual source of current literature on the topic. While it may not be exhaustive, new research is added regularly.”
This free database does not integrate with our subscription vertification/add on products. We recommend that you use it on campus or log on the VPN if off campus.
The WHO COVID-19 Research Database includes citations from some databases the UI Libraries do not subscribe to.
The focus of this database is science, and it includes many pre-print articles that are not yet peer-reviewed.
This database also includes citations for traditional medicine.
The focus of this database is science, and it includes many pre-print articles that are not yet peer-reviewed.
This database also includes citations for traditional medicine.
If you find an article you want to read, click on full-text. If we subscribe or the article is available for free, you should be able to access it. If the article is not available, you may request it via Interlibrary Loan.
“The WHO Global COVID-19 Database is a composite of other databases and citations captured directly from publishers’ websites. Citations have NOT been standardized across the various sources and there may be variations in journal titles, author names, and other fields. While some citations have been enhanced with MeSH and other keywords, this is a work in progress. ” MeSH subject headings are only available for MEDLINE-indexed publications. We do not recommend using MeSH terms right now.