For the latest news on Covid-19 legislation, there are a couple of news sources that may be of interest, and you can use these to get a clear overview of the main parts of a law or a bill. These sites often go beyond the headlines and look at the important aspects of current legislation intended to assist businesses and individuals dealing with the financial impacts of closures.
Roll Call is a newspaper and website that covers congress and its activities.
The Hill is another newspaper and website that covers legislation and other government news.
To find out information in greater detail, go to the following sites:
For legislative, executive, and regulatory documents:
and also this:
and here’s one that broadly covers the responses of various agencies:
For information on activity at the state level, including state reopen plans:
For Congressional Research Service reports:
For publications that focus on the economic aspects of coronavirus:
Stay safe and be well.
Federal and State Information
University of Iowa Libraries
For help finding more United States Government Information, see John’s guide: