In a previous post, we mentioned the concept of altmetrics briefly when introducing the Altmetric for Scopus feature in the Scopus database. Below we are listing links to two thought-provoking articles on altmetrics, both published last week.
- One appeared in Scientific American’s Information Culture blog. The author, Hadas Shema, is an Information Science graduate student at Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Thoughts about altmetrics (an unorganized, overdue post) - Another is authored by Jeffrey Beall, a librarian at the University of Colorado Denver. He has written extensively on predatory open access publishing in his blog.
Article-Level Metrics: An Ill-Conceived and Meretricious Idea
The following two blog posts published in 2012 are also interesting. Make sure to check out the comments, which are equally interesting.
- Tweets, and Our Obsession with Alt Metrics published by Phil Davis in the Scholarly Kitchen.
- Altmetrics: first we need the for what? and only then the how? OK? published by Martin Fenner in his PLOS blog, Gobbledygook.
Hardin Library offers workshops on a variety of subjects including how to find journals’ Impact Factors and H indices. Our Fall schedule is coming soon. Stay tuned.