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January 1, 2013 changes to NCBI Web Pages Browser Support

The National Institute of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) will no longer support Internet Explorer version 7 and Firebox version 3 browsers as of January 1, 2013.  NCBI will also no longer be able to guarantee the browser’s  functionality, as they are no longer going to do any further testing of the web applications.  This means that if you are currently using one of these browsers, some  NCBI web pages might not display correctly.

These changes could affect how you are able to view web pages in PubMed ( or in any of the NCBI genetic databases, such as the Taxonomy database ( All of the NCBI databases can be found at

For a complete listing of all the browser support changes starting in 2013 and trick and tips to resolve web page errors, go to

Please contact your technology administrator for assistance with upgrading your browser(s).