Printing Chapters from AccessMedicine and AccessPharmacy
Beginning September 1, 2011, the ability to print a chapter at a time will no longer be available in AccessMedicine and AccessPharmacy. Printing by section will still be possible. The following message from the publisher (and copyright holder), McGraw-Hill, explains why:
Last week, only a few days after it had posted to AccessMedicine, the newest version of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine was discovered circulating on a number of digital lockers, torrent sites, and other means of illicit file sharing. A quick examination of the file revealed that the party (or parties) who had created it simply printed every chapter of Harrison’s, then “bound” it as an ebook and started distributing it. Presently, the “Print Chapter” view makes it far too easy to accomplish a task like this.
To address this issue with digital piracy, we will remove the “Print Chapter” option on all Access products. This is scheduled to be effective Thursday, September 1, on AccessMedicine. However, the “Print Section” option will remain.