EndNote Basic is a web-based citation management software that is freely available to all UI affiliates. It allows you to import, organize and format citations for papers, articles, etc. EndNote Basic is not the same as the desktop software, Endnote. Our next session is: Monday, February 3 from 2-3 pm (Location: East Information Commons) RegisterContinue reading “Organize and Format Citations with EndNote Basic”
Tag Archives: tutorial
Learn Research Basics Fast with PubMed Express
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 22 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This 30-minute session will show you how to find relevant articles fast using some of the basic features in PubMed. Workshops are free and open to all UI students and affiliates. Our nextContinue reading “Learn Research Basics Fast with PubMed Express”