The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society invites you to hear George W. Beran speak on One Health: Human and Animal Rabies, an issue in human and animal relations. Thursday, Oct. 28, 5:30-6:30, Room 401, Hardin Library.
Category Archives: Rare Book Room
Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room
Nicholas Culpeper (1616–1654) was an English botanist, herbalist, physician, and astrologer. His published books, The English Physician (1652) and the Complete Herbal (1653), contain a rich store of pharmaceutical and herbal knowledge. Culpeper spent the greater part of his life in the English outdoors cataloging hundreds of medicinal herbs. He criticized what he consideredContinue reading “Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room”
Anesthesia for 1st Heart Transplant-Cape Town
The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society invites you to hear Franklin Scamman, M.D., Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Iowa speak on The Anesthesia for the First Heart Transplant: Cape Town 1967 Thursday, September 23, 2010, 5:30-6:30 Room 401, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences
Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room, August 2010
Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room, August 2010
Seeing Double: the stereocope and medical education
Notes from the Rare Book Room, July 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010, 5:30-6:30 Scamman, Franklin, M.D. Prof. Dept. of Anesthesiology, University of Iowa The Anesthesia for the First Heart Transplant: Cape Town 1967 Thursday, October 28, 2010, 5:30-6:30 George W. Beran, D.V.M., Ph.D., Prof. Emeritus Vet. Microbiol. & Prev. Med., ISU One Health: Human & Animal Rabies, an issue in human & animalContinue reading “Notes from the Rare Book Room, July 2010”
Notes from the Rare Book Room
Since 1971 EDWIN HOLTUM has worked for the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, the University of Iowa Libraries and as Curator of the John Martin Rare Book Room. He retires June 30, 2010. Ed Holtum’s retirement party is 3:00-4:30 Wednesday, June 30, 2010 in the 1st floor Staff Lounge of the Main Library. YouContinue reading “Notes from the Rare Book Room”
Notes from the Rare Book Room: Healing by laying on of hands, 1628-1683
Although born in Ireland, Valentine Greatrakes was English, his ancestors having settled there in the late sixteenth century. In 1641, the family was forced to flee England during an Irish revolt. He was privately educated in theology and the humanities in Devon where the family lived. When he was nineteen, Greatrakes returned to Ireland, determinedContinue reading “Notes from the Rare Book Room: Healing by laying on of hands, 1628-1683”
History of Medicine Banquet
Today, Monday, April 26 is the deadline to register for the History of Medicine Banquet and talk. Jack El-Hai will speak on “Walter Freeman and the Rise and Fall of Lobotomy.” Reception at 6:00 PM; Dinner at 7:00 PM Cost $25 Talk at 8:00 PM Request reservations from Donna Sabin, 319-335-6706
Visiting Emeritus Faculty Council
The University of Iowa Emeritus Faculty Council will be meeting in the John Martin Rare Book Room beginning Monday, April 5 at 9:30. In addition to their regular meeting Ed Holtum will be speaking to the group about the JMRBR.
Open House in the John Martin Rare Book Room
The University of Iowa History of Medicine Society and the University Libraries invite you to an Open House in the John Martin Rare Book Room “The Essentials: A hands-on look at key works in the history of medicine from seven centuries” Thursday, March 25th 4:30 to 7:30 John Martin Rare Book Room, 4th floor, HardinContinue reading “Open House in the John Martin Rare Book Room”