PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This 30-minute session will show you how to find relevant articles fast using some of the basic features in PubMed. Our next session is Thursday, August 29th 9:00-9:30 am (Location: East Information Commons) Register onlineContinue reading “Short on time? Join our PubMed Express workshop on Thursday, August 29th”
Category Archives: PubMed
Get the information you need about PubMed with a free workshop on Friday
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one hour session will introduce you to the basics of searching PubMed and will also cover: using subject headings (MeSH headings), combining searches, choosing limits, and saving, printing and emailing search results. OurContinue reading “Get the information you need about PubMed with a free workshop on Friday”
Get introduced to PubMed in 30 minutes with our free workshop July 11
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This 30-minute session will show you how to find relevant articles fast using some of the basic features in PubMed. Our next session is Thursday, July 11th 1:00-1:30 pm (Location: East Information Commons) Register onlineContinue reading “Get introduced to PubMed in 30 minutes with our free workshop July 11”
Wednesday, June 19th: Learn more about PubMed with our free workshop
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one-hour session will show you how to improve your search results by using subject headings (MeSH) and advanced keyword searching techniques. Our next session is Wednesday, June 19th 2:00-3:00pm (Location: East Information Commons) RegisterContinue reading “Wednesday, June 19th: Learn more about PubMed with our free workshop”
Interested in using PubMed? Attend our free workshop on Tuesday, March 12
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one hour session will introduce you to the basics of searching PubMed and will also cover: using subject headings (MeSH headings), combining searches, choosing limits, and saving, printing and emailing search results. OurContinue reading “Interested in using PubMed? Attend our free workshop on Tuesday, March 12”
Learn how to use PubMed with our sessions this fall
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one hour session will introduce you to the basics of searching PubMed and will also cover: using subject headings (MeSH headings), combining searches, choosing limits, and saving, printing and emailing search results.Continue reading “Learn how to use PubMed with our sessions this fall”
Learn how to use PubMed with our classes this fall!
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s index to the medical literature and includes over 17 million bibliographic citations in life sciences. This one hour session will introduce you to the basics of searching PubMed and will also cover: using subject headings (MeSH headings), combining searches, choosing limits, and saving, printing and emailing search results.Continue reading “Learn how to use PubMed with our classes this fall!”
National Library of Medicine Announces Expansion of PubMed Health
The National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world’s largest medical library and a component of the National Institutes of Health, announces the expansion of the information available from PubMed Health (, which provides integrated access to 18,000 clinical effectiveness reviews. PubMed Health organizes these clinical effectiveness research results, including full texts as well as summaryContinue reading “National Library of Medicine Announces Expansion of PubMed Health”
PubMed Central’s New Look
PubMed Central (PMC), a free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM) now has a new look. According to the July 15th issue of the NIH/NLM’s Technical Bulletin, the new “interface-lift” will “not only enhance its overall look and feel but also provide usersContinue reading “PubMed Central’s New Look”
More PubMed Changes
The National Library of Medicine has made more changes to PubMed. Limits (including language, years, ages, publication type, and others) are now found on a separate page and are no longer located on the Advanced Search page. A link to Limits is found above the search box on each PubMed page. Search History, which showsContinue reading “More PubMed Changes”