Iowa Intensive Communication Skills for Professionals (IIE 103:002) will be offered during the fall 2008 semester. This course is designed for international professionals at UI (visiting scholars, post-docs, researchers). Students will improve conversational fluency and practice language skills for professional disccusions and presentations. For more information, contact ESL Programs, 1112 University Capitol Centre, 335-5630 or Information is also availableContinue reading “Intensive English Course for Professionals”
Author Archives: Meredith Drake
24-hour study is open!
The 24-hour study, located on the third floor of the library, is available again – and now with new carpet! For information on other study areas within the library, visit
Play Wii at Hardin Library!
Have you tried Nintendo’s latest game console, Wii? Come play at Hardin Library! These events are free and open to novices and experienced gamers alike. Games available include Wii Sports, WarioWare Smooth Moves, and Super Smash Brothers Brawl. We will be ready to play in the Info Commons East classroom on the following days: Thursday, AugustContinue reading “Play Wii at Hardin Library!”
Wireless access via iPhone and iPod Touch
In addition to laptops and other common types of PDAs, UI Wireless now supports the iPhone and iPod Touch. Simple configuration instructions are available from the ITS Help Desk website: General wireless coverage is available throughout Hardin Library. The University of Iowa provides Wi-Fi wireless access for students, faculty, staff, and guests.
Faculty Proxy for Interlibrary Loan
On August 1st, faculty members will be able to authorize a designated person (proxy) to request and pick-up materials in their name for Interlibrary Loan materials. Proxies are able to submit requests online as well as in person. An online request form is available at Look for the “Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery RequestContinue reading “Faculty Proxy for Interlibrary Loan”
Improved VisualDx Interface
VisualDx will be upgraded on July 23. The new version 6.0 will no longer require Java and thus will work on any system, including Macs and iPhones. The software’s simple design allows the user to generate a differential diagnosis through the module main menu or search for a specific diagnosis using the search box. IntuitiveContinue reading “Improved VisualDx Interface”
Facility tours available
During the summer months, the University of Iowa welcomes a large number of incoming faculty, staff, and students. Hardin Library staff strongly desire to serve these newcomers and are happy to offer tours of the building. Please schedule your tour today by contacting Cassie Reed Thureson at (319) 335-7221 or Staff at the informationContinue reading “Facility tours available”
Hardin Library Staff offer their expertise on Iowa Public Radio
Talk@12, an Iowa Public Radio news program that hosts a mix of guests and newsmakers across the state, recently interviewed Linda Walton, Director of Hardin Library, and Janna Lawrence, Assistant Director for Collections & Outreach. Their conversation with the radio show’s host, Katherine Perkins, addresses finding reliable medical information online. Originally aired on July 7,Continue reading “Hardin Library Staff offer their expertise on Iowa Public Radio”
UI Flood Recovery Information Web site launched
While the immediate shock of the flooding in Iowa City and surrounding communities is over, affected individuals and organizations are now in the midst of long-term recovery efforts. The University is committed to assisting in this process and to providing all members of the University community with up-to-date information as we move forward together. TheContinue reading “UI Flood Recovery Information Web site launched”
Flood 2008 Public Health Fact Sheet available
The UI College of Public Health and University Hygienic Laboratory has produced a Flood 2008 Public Health Fact Sheet. This document includes information about mental health, environmental hazards, infectious disease risks, and more. Check it out at Look for the “Flood 2008 Public Health Fact Sheets” listing under the heading Resources. Additionally, a hardContinue reading “Flood 2008 Public Health Fact Sheet available”