A permanent exhibit honoring Dr. Robert C. Hardin, for whom the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences is named, is now on display near the Library’s 3rd floor entrance. In addition to performing pioneering research in blood banking and transfusion and in diabetes, Dr. Hardin was instrumental in the current design of the University of Iowa’s healthContinue reading “Permanent Exhibit Honors Dr. Hardin”
Author Archives: Janna Lawrence
AMAG Card Needed for Access to 24-hour Study
Your university ID card will no longer allow access to Hardin’s 24-hour study. The new security system requires an AMAG card, a white plastic card about the size of a credit card. If you plan to use the 24-hour study, please stop by the 3rd floor Information Desk to apply for access. If you already have anContinue reading “AMAG Card Needed for Access to 24-hour Study”
24-hour Study Now Available Every Night
The 24-hour study is once again available every night, when the Library is closed.
Hardin Now Open but Still Under Construction
9/23/11: The 3rd floor stacks are now open and accessible. The 4th floor remains closed. Materials needed from the 4th floor can be requested through InfoHawk, for office delivery or pick up at Hardin or another campus library. __________________________________________________________________________ 9/8/11: Hardin Library reopened on Wednesday, August 17, at 7:30 a.m. However, because renovations are ongoing, someContinue reading “Hardin Now Open but Still Under Construction”
Hardin to Re-open on Wednesday, August 17
Although the renovations will probably not be completely done, Hardin Library will re-open on schedule, on Wednesday, August 17 at 7:30 a.m. It is likely that the 24-hour study will not be accessible for the first week or so that we are back, but all other library services are expected to be available. Thank youContinue reading “Hardin to Re-open on Wednesday, August 17”
More News about Hardin’s Summer Plans
As previously announced, the Hardin Library building will be closed this summer for renovations beginning Saturday, May 14, and reopening on Tuesday, August 17. Staff have been busy planning how to provide service during this time. Two temporary locations will be set up where library users can pick up materials and consult with staff. One locationContinue reading “More News about Hardin’s Summer Plans”
Hardin Services, Staff to be Relocated during Summer Renovations
Due to extensive renovations of its HVAC system, the Hardin Library building will be closed this summer, beginning Saturday, May 14, through Tuesday, August 16 (reopening Wednesday, August 17). However, library services will still be available. While Hardin is closed, temporary locations will be set up in MERF and the College of Pharmacy. At thoseContinue reading “Hardin Services, Staff to be Relocated during Summer Renovations”
Hirst to Attend Rare Book School
We are pleased to announce that Donna Hirst, curator of the John Martin Rare Book Room, has been accepted to the very prestigious Rare Book School located on the University of Virginia campus. She will attend the week-long class, Printed Books to 1800: Description & Analysis, where she will learn more about the physical aspectsContinue reading “Hirst to Attend Rare Book School”
New Exhibit: Harry Potter’s World: Renaissance Science, Magic, and Medicine
Although a fantasy story, the magic in the Harry Potter books is partially based on Renaissance traditions that played an important role in the development of Western science, including alchemy, astrology, and natural philosophy. An exhibit exploring Harry Potter’s world and its roots in Renaissance magic, science, and medicine is currently on display on the thirdContinue reading “New Exhibit: Harry Potter’s World: Renaissance Science, Magic, and Medicine”
Welcome to Kerry and Shane!
Hardin Library has recently welcomed two new staff members. Kerry Minner joined Hardin’s staff when the Physics Library closed. Kerry has worked as a library assistant at the University Libraries since 1983, and even worked at Hardin before, from 1987 to 1993. Kerry will be working on projects in both collections and technology at Hardin. Continue reading “Welcome to Kerry and Shane!”