On September 29th, Iowa Go Local was featured on KXIC radio. To read the transcript or to listen to the interview, go to http://www.uihealthcare.com/kxic/2008/09/iowago.html
Author Archives: Chris Childs
Partnering for Patient Empowerment through Community Awareness Event in Keosauqua on September 23
The free Partnering for Patient Empowerment through Community Awareness (PPECA) train-the-trainer sessions are winning rave reviews in Iowa! Our attendees have said: [The session provided] “Good solid programming planning guidelines & advice.” “Thank you for facilitating this initiative. It came at an opportune time as we are beginning to partner with our local hospital. Continue reading “Partnering for Patient Empowerment through Community Awareness Event in Keosauqua on September 23”
Iowa Go Local at the Iowa State Fair
Iowa Go Local connects citizens with healthcare providers across Iowa, empowers them with quality information about their health and helps them access services including hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies and assisted living facilities. Iowa Go Local is available through MedlinePlus, a web site that offers free, high quality health information in English and Spanish. Health professionalsContinue reading “Iowa Go Local at the Iowa State Fair”
Iowa Go Local at the Johnson County Fair
Iowa Go Local connects citizens with healthcare providers across Iowa, empowers them with quality information about their health and helps them access services including hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies and assisted living facilities. Iowa Go Local is available through MedlinePlus, a web site that offers free, high quality health information in English and Spanish. Health professionalsContinue reading “Iowa Go Local at the Johnson County Fair”