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Book Repair Home Again

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 The LP project is close to done. Should finish up tomorrow. Then our volunteer can take a much needed break! I really don’t know how we could have even attempted this project without the use of the Paper Facility. The paper drying rack is perfect. They can do a box atContinue reading “Book Repair Home Again”

Locked Out!

Monday, July 14, 2008 I packed my shoes, flashlight, and face mask in happy anticipation that we would finally be able to get into the Art and Music libraries. Once at the library I spent a little bit of time with staff. We continue to slowly get the preservation basement area back into some semblanceContinue reading “Locked Out!”

Dumbwaiter and Phone Bill

Saturday, July 12, 2008 Our morning newspaper reminded us that the flood happened a month ago today. It seems like yesterday and also months ago. My binding supervisor called letting me know that she has been getting sick everyday she comes to work but thinks she has it figured out. Right near her desk is a littleContinue reading “Dumbwaiter and Phone Bill”

African American Museum of Iowa Update

Friday, July 11, 2008 I worked at home to get a little quality time and be a little more focused. Started with breakfast on the deck, caught sight of a humming bird checking out the red salvia, and then segued into working on my email on the deck. Very relaxing. I met with the AfricanContinue reading “African American Museum of Iowa Update”

Moving Back

Monday, July 7, 2008 After three days of guests and almost no flood related activities, it was very hard to get mentally back to work. My host, Engineer Librarian John Forys, gave me a tip on where to find great coffee — The T-spoons. Fortified, I tackled my close to 700 emails, hoping to get partContinue reading “Moving Back”