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Evacuation of the University of Iowa Main Library

Friday, June 13, 2008 At 6AM, I sent the following email to Nancy Baker and others: “After seeing the Czech/Slovak Library/Museum under water almost to the roof top and many roof tops and church steeples and watching flood level forecasts, I’m thinking we should revise our scenario of about 1 foot of water in MainContinue reading “Evacuation of the University of Iowa Main Library”

Flood Prep Continues

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Flood Advisory Update: The Linn County Emergency Management Agency has provided the following information to the Chamber for distribution to our members:  The 1st, 3rd, 12th, and 16th Avenue bridges are now closed.  Bridges on 2nd and 8th Avenues will be closed by 8:00pm this evening.  The only way to getContinue reading “Flood Prep Continues”

Flood Alert Continues

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Flood Alert Update from MidAmerican Energy Company “Due to safety precautions, MidAmerican Energy has begun shutting off all gas meters for residential and non-cooking business customers from Czech Village to the Time Check areas in the Cedar River basin. All cooking customers (i.e. restaurants, etc) in those areas will have gasContinue reading “Flood Alert Continues”

Flood Alert!

Monday, June 9, 2008 Linn County and the City of Cedar Rapids have jointly issued a flood alert for properties located along the Cedar River.  According to the county, the river will experience a record flood crest on Wednesday afternoon or evening at about 21.5 feet.  Previous crests in 1929 at 20 feet, in 1961Continue reading “Flood Alert!”

Behind the Scenes Tour

Friday, May 30, 2008 The University of Iowa Preservation Department met with David Muhlena, librarian at the Czech & Slovak Museum and Library, and Susan Kuecker, curator at the African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa, for behind the scenes tours and lunch at Zindrick’s Restaurant in the Czech Village.

Preservation Department Field Trip to Cedar Rapids

Friday, May 30, 2008 On May 30th Preservation Department staff took a field trip to Cedar Rapids to visit the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library and the African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa. At the Czech-Slovak Museum, Library Director David Muhlena (left) gave an informal talk on the museum’s history and plansContinue reading “Preservation Department Field Trip to Cedar Rapids”